I'll Tell You A Story (Part 1)

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Hayley, Kol, Davina, Rebekah and Marcel were standing in the library getting ready to leave but had no idea that Klaus had already left. "Maybe the girls, will know where he is," Rebekah suggests. Hayley sighs, "I'll go ask Hope," she says heading up towards the dorm.

In Hope's dorm, Henrik appears to the three Mikaelson girls looking over grimoires. "Parent incoming," he says. Grace mutters a spell making them invisible. The door opens, "Drop the spell, Grace," Hayley says immediately. The girls stay invisible, "I can hear your heartbeats," Hayley says. "Hope, where is your dad," she asks, when the girls still do not appear. "Hope is not here," Grace says before groaning because she got elbowed in the ribs. Grace sighs and drops the spell and the three girls turn to an unimpressed Hayley who has her arms crossed over her chest. "We sent him somewhere for a reconnaissance mission," Hope says. "What kind of reconnaissance mission," Hayley asks. "We can't tell you," Faith says. Hayley gives her goddaughter a look, "More like it's not our place," Grace adds. "Then whose place is it," Hayley asks. "Josie and Lizzie's," Hope replies. Hayley sighs, "Well, we have to go," she says. "But if there is a problem, I want you to call us," she says. The three girls nod and give her a hug. She kisses Hope on the forehead, "Be good," she tells her daughter. Hope nods and Hayley leaves the room, "All right, we need to find the twins," Hope says turning to her cousins.

"Did you actually think that was going to work," Hayley asks. "It works on Kol," Hope says. "What's that supposed to mean," Kol asks. "Nothing, Uncle Kol," Hope says. "Just that your daughter can sneak out of a house full of vampires," Faith mutters.

Landon watches Mrs. Greasley and the agent speak quietly to one another. "No one's watching us now," Clark says coming down the stairs to Landon's level. "Look, I already told the other guys I don't know anything. You can kill me, but I'm part phoenix, so I'm just gonna come back to life in a burst of flames, and there's gonna be a lot of ash to clean up. And after I come back, I'm not gonna know anything," Landon says to Clarke. "I'm not here to interrogate you, Landon. In fact, I'm here so you can finally get some answers. When they created the locks to Malivore, they also created decoys so no one would know which three artifacts were the real thing. I think you might be able to help me with that," Clarke says, trying to be innocent. Clarke turns to a set of pictures of unremarkable objects, "Is one of these artifacts calling to you? Like a whisper, an itch?" Clarke asks. "A: I don't feel anything. And B: even if I did, I'm not helping the people who kidnapped me," Landon says trying to be brave. "Oh, this isn't for Triad. No, they want these artifacts to stay hidden. To be clear, I want to toss them into the pit and unlock Malivore," Clarke says shocking Landon. "Wow. Uh...Thanks for being honest. That's refreshing. But now I'm really not going to help you," Landon says, thinking about the Mikaelson girls and Alaric lying to him. "I'll tell you a story. And at the end of it, you can decide whether you want to help me or not," Clarke offers. "You think a story is gonna change my mind?" Landon asks. "This one will. Because it's the story of your father," Clarke says.

"Ten says that his father is evil," Damon says. "Worse than Giuseppe but better than Alaric," Faith says. Stefan and Damon look at the Mikaelson shocked that she said their dad's name. "Who is Giuseppe," Elena asks. "Daddy Salvatore," Grace taunts.

"Heads up!" a young man warns. The werewolves are playing a game in the gym. Jed catches the ball as it narrowly misses Raf. "That almost took your head off," Jed says. "Yo, how long have I been here?" Raf asks his fellow wolves. "For an hour. But you've been going through the motions like a zombie. You sure you're okay?" Jed asks. "Yeah, I'm fine. And, look, you don't need to pretend like you give a crap about me just 'cause I'm your alpha. The game's back on. Come on," Raf says.

"That's the thing abut werewolves, usually they genuinely care about each other," Hayley says.

In Alaric's office the man presses a button for his answering machine. "Hey, Ric. Sorry to take off like that, but I just needed a little time. So I'm going camping for a while. Hopefully I can catch up on classwork later. Tell Raf and Jed hi for me," Landon's voice says. The Mikaelson girls look shocked, "Jed? Why would he say hi to Jed?" Faith asks. Grace turns to her cousin and then Alaric. "You should go after him," Grace says. "Something doesn't make sense," Hope adds. "Hope..." Alaric says. "Triad already tried to come for him once. It's not safe for him out there," Hope cuts him off. "We kept a massive secret from him, and I think he just needs some time to process that. I think we should respect his privacy and just wait," Alaric tells the three girls. Hope scoffs, and leaves the room. Grace chuckles darkly, "I can't wait for you to be proven wrong," Faith says. Then the two of them leave the room slamming the door behind them.

"I don't think that Alaric is going to be wrong," Elena says. "And you also thought that I was going to kill Caroline," Grace says. "And that I would tell my daughter not to kill you," Kol adds.

"I know that look. What's wrong?" Alaric asks as Emma comes into the room. "These kids have been through so much lately," Emma says, before sighing. "I've done all I can to help Rafael, but the side effects of Hope's elixir are getting worse," Emma says. "He's losing time, having flashes of aggression. I think he's still sliding between his wolf mind and his human mind," Emma says, not knowing what else to do. "I will...I'll keep an eye on him," Alaric promises. "You've been running on fumes these past few weeks. It wouldn't hurt to bring in someone else to help, maybe even assist in researching Rafael's condition," Emma says, and both adults think of Dorian. "Dorian is too proud to come back. You know that," Alaric says, shutting down the idea before it took form. "And you know how much I respect you. But are you sure it's his pride that's the problem?" Emma asks.

"Don't you think that Emma and Alaric would be cute," Elena asks, turning to Caroline and Bonnie. "About as cute as Lizzie with someone else," Caroline says. "And as cute as Landon and Hope," Bonnie says. "They are terrible together," Bonnie adds.

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