Malivore (Part 6)

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"Don't blame me. It's the rest of the witches who knew how bad you'd be at that job," Penelope taunts Lizzie. "What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" Lizzie asks. "It's not about you. Shocking, I know. It's about how you treat Josie," Penelope accuses. "I love Josie," Lizzie says. "Did you think to ask her if she wanted to run for the council before you assumed you'd win? You've left her with no room for herself. She spends all of her energy taking care of you. She doesn't have time for a relationship because you are a black hole of time and energy and love, just sucking it all up. Never giving any of it back. Oh, she won't ever burn your world down. So I will do it for her," Penelope taunts. Lizzie starts crying and thinks that she was and will always be a bad sister. She wished Grace was back from her suspension.

"That's it," Caroline says, getting angry. "I don't like her," she says.

"Thanks for walking me," Landon says. "Yeah," Hope replies. "I had to go before Rafael tried to follow me again," Landon says. "We didn't take the vote lightly. It was close," Hope says. "Yeah, I don't really need to hear about that. I'm in enough pain as it is," Landon says. "I voted no," Hope tells him. "Yeah. Didn't need to know that. Why, exactly?" Landon asks. "Remember when you asked me to make sure that Raf didn't follow you?" Hope asks. Landon nods, "You did it 'cause you care about him, because... you wanted to do what was right for him," Landon says. "Even though it was hard," Hope whispers. "Is that your way of admitting you care about me?" Landon asks teasingly. "Maybe I'm a little biased. New Orleans. I called in a favor from a family member, actually Grace called it in. She asked her mom, my Aunt Davina to help you find your birth mom," Hope says handing Landon a ticket. "What?" Landon asks. "I couldn't get you the answers that you wanted, but she can. With this. I put the results of your lineage spell in there. And, um, some money. And a sandwich. I hope you like ham," Hope says beginning to ramble. Landon chuckles, "Thank you," he says. "Yeah. Oh, and, um... and this," Hoep says handing him a bracelet. "What is this?" Landon asks. "Think of it like a... "click your heels together three times" kind of thing. If you ever need me, just press it, and my bracelet will lead me to you," Hope explains. "I should go," Landon says. "Okay," Hope says. "Bye," Landon says. "Bye, Landon," Hope whispers. Landon presses the button and Hope's bracelet lights up. "I wanted to see if it worked," Landon says. Hope chuckles and steps forward and kisses Landon.

"I'm going to kill him," Klaus growls. Grace and Faith look at each other and start laughing really hard. "What," he asks. "We just remembered how you meet Landon," Faith says.

"Hope," Faith calls. Hope turns to her cousin. "What," Hope asks. "Something's wrong," Faith whispers. "What," Hope asks confused. "I am feeling someone's emotion and they are really upset and I can't figure out why," Faith explains.

"What," Rebekah asks. "Oh, I'm an empath witch," Faith says. "What's that," Matt and Elena ask. "She can feel others emotions," Bonnie says.

Hope follows behind Faith knowing that her cousin could find whoever they were looking for. "How strong is it, and what emotion," Hope asks. "Fear, and really strong," Faith replies before turning. "Remember when everyone told us those stories about when they were human," she asks. Hope nods, "The fear I felt whenever your dad would talk about Mikael is what I am feeling right now," Faith explains. Hope's eyes widen and the two continue walking. They reach a clearing and see a girl. "Hello," Faith calls. The girl looks up, "I'm Faith and this is Hope, we aren't going to hurt you," Faith says. The girl whimpers, "What's your name," Faith asks gently. "Jen," the girl whispers.

Faith turns a deep shade of red, and Hope and Grace start teasing her.

The door opens and Grace walks through and sees Lizzie crying, thinking the Lizzie would want to be alone, "I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone," Grace says. "OMG," Lizzie exclaims. "Hello, darling," Grace says. Lizzie laughs, "Why do you think that darling works on people?" Lizzie asks. "Because you are looking at the proof that darling works," Grace says. Lizzie laughs. "Why were you crying," Grace asks. "I was not elected for the honor council," Lizzie whispers. "Hey, hey," Grace calls. "Maybe it's for the better," Grace says. "How is it for the better,' Lizzie asks. "Now when my cousins and your sister are in those boring meetings, we get time to ourselves," Grace says kissing Lizzie. "Now Josie will probably be in here soon, so follow me," Grace says after she kisses Lizzie. LIzzie gets up and follows Grace to her dorm.

Lizzie and Grace just sit there not speaking. Caroline, Alaric, Kol and Davina are talking over each other. "So..." Lizzie starts. "I've got nothing," Grace responds. "Just making sure I wasn't alone," Lizzie says.

 "Just making sure I wasn't alone," Lizzie says

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