The Boy Who Still Has A Lot Of Good To Do (Part 1)

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"Dr. S," Kaleb says coming up to the headmaster. "Kaleb. We just killed a mummy and spent six hours in a van together, and I'm not sure..." Dr. Saltzman starts to dismiss. "I can't find MG," Kaleb interrupts. "What do you mean?" Dr. Saltzman asks. "I just checked in with his hall monitor, but he missed curfew," Kaleb says. "The monitor said he tried calling you," Kaleb says. "Ah, that guy from Triad Enterprises took my phone," Alaric says. "All right, whatever. We...we got to find him. This ain't the night for vampires to be walking around unchecked," Kaleb says. Alaric and Kaleb look out the window at the perfect full moon, meaning the werewolves would not be in their most right selves.

"Oh, brother," Hope mutters. Grace groans, "I warned you," Grace says. "Warned her about what," Klaus asks. "If you tell a pissed off vampire a secret about yourself," Faith starts. "He's going to tell your insanely overprotective father," Grace says. The girls turn and look at Kol and then at Klaus.

Hope comes down to the werewolf transition cellar. "Have you seen Landon?" Hope asks Alaric. "I thought he might down here with Raf for moral support," she adds, thinking about Landon and what he was like. "Raf's not here," Alaric tells her gravely. "Wait, he's...What?" Hope asks shocked. "The supervisor said he didn't check in. And now MG's missing, too," Alaric explains. "But it's a full moon," Hope says. "Oh, God," Hope says after listening to a wolf howl.

Damon turns to Stefan, "Ten bucks says the stupid dark haired kid is involved," he whispers. Stefan smirks and nods, shaking his brother's hand.

"I don't know why my locator spell didn't work," Hope says as they walk through the yard of the school. "If you can't find them, it means they're being cloaked or..." Alaric starts. "Or they're dead. I'm aware," Hope says. "What would possess them to leave campus? Why would they be so irresponsible?" Alaric says. "They wouldn't. Something must have happened," Hope says. "Hope," Alaric says, as he finds Raf sitting up against the gate looking battered. "Raf? Raf! Hey, are you okay?" Hope shouts coming up to her friend. "MG... Landon..." Raf mutters. "Hey, what's going on? Where's Landon?" Hope asks. "I can't remember," Raf says, worried.

"Why would you start telling someone who is already upset that someone they care about could be dead," Hayley asks Alaric. "Making sure she understands every possible situation," Alaric says defending his future decisions. Klaus and Hayley turn and glare at Alaric, "Suddenly I do not feel bad for whatever Grace has in store for you," Klaus says. Grace turns to her uncle, "You felt bad before," she asks. He shakes his head, "No not really," he tells his niece.

Hope finds Grace and Faith standing in a hallway, "I need your help," she says. "What's up," Faith asks. "Something is wrong with Raf," she says. Grace and Faith exchange a look, "We may need help from someone else," Hope adds, looking at Grace. She sighs, "He's kind of pissy right now," Grace says sighing. Hope and Faith nod, "Let's go," Hope says. The girls head to the rooms that visitors can stay in, "Uncle Kol," Hope calls. He opens the door, "Girls," he says. "One of our friends is a werewolf and he is not turned," Faith explains. Davina comes to the door, "But it's a full moon," she says. "Yeah, we don't exactly know what's going on," Grace says. Kol sighs, "I might, let's go," Kol tells the girls.

"Alaric lets us stay right on campus," Kol asks. "Begrudgingly," Hope whispers. "And only some of you," Faith adds.

Raf breathes harshly, failing to catch his breath. Kol and Davina exchange a look, "Lunar psychosis?" Hope asks her uncle. "That's a thing?" Faith asks. "Quit talking. Making noise," Raf says. "Girls, stand back," Kol says as Raf growls and lunges at Davina but is caught by Kol. "Tardus pulsatio," Emma says. Raf gasps as his heart beat slows down to a normal level, "It's a thing," Kol says. "What did you do to him?" Faith asks worried. "It's okay," Davina says. "I'm just slowing down his heart. It will calm him," Emma says. "What's happening to me?" Raf asks looking at Alaric. "I keep...losing time," he says turning his attention to Kol. "As I said...lunar psychosis, which means that your mind is an influx, trapped between...your wolf and human states, making it harder to bridge the gap and access your memories like you normally would," Kol explains. "It's very rare. It only happens after a premature reversion. So something caused your body to shift back before the full moon was over, leaving you like this," Kol continues. "Dad. Wh-What kind of something?" Grace asks, she tried to stay closed off but she really did care. "Usually trauma," Kol says to his daughter, seeing through her facade. "Something bad happened," the three girls whisper looking at Raf. "We don't know that," Alaric and Emma say. "Three of them left," Hope starts. "And only one came back," Faith continues. "Something bad happened," Grace finishes, Kol and Davina look between the young Mikaelsons and the young werewolf.

"You put up a good facade," Kol says and Grace hangs her head. "You act like you don't care but you actually do," he adds. She sighs, "I told you he catch it," Henrik says. "Shut up, Uncle Henrik," Grace says.

"Girls...why don't you give us a minute?" Alaric says. "Go on and check on the other wolves," Emma suggests, noticing that the three girls were not going to move. "I'm worried about this one," Hope argues. "Hope...darling...please," Kol says. Hope scoffs and leaves the room, Grace and Faith glare at Kol. "You two as well," he says. They sigh and leave the room with Hope, Davina slams the door with her magic. Hope, Faith and Grace stand outside the door, looking at Finn and Henrik. "What's the danger of him turning wolf again?" Alaric asks Kol. "I mean, this whole wing is filled with sleeping vampires," he adds. "Don't worry, I'll keep him sealed in," Emma says. "What his mind needs now is to be surrounded by all the things that are familiar to him, that connect him to his humanity, not his lycanthropy," Kol says. "Corum spiritus," Davina says. "Rafael, we'll do everything we can to help you, but you need to tell us exactly what happened," Kol says. "You were supposed to be here on campus for spring break with Landon and MG, and now we can't find either one of them," Alaric adds. Kol glares at Alaric, the man did not know how to break news to kids. "Everyone was leaving. Heading home for spring break," Raf says. "Here," Kol says, holding out his hand. "I need to see it," he says. Raf grabs a hold of Kol's hand and lets him in.

"You three are the most stubborn people in the world," Freya says. The three Mikaelson girls look between Kol, Niklaus, Rebekah, and Elijah. "Children of the most stubborn people in the world, maybe," Grace says. "I was being sarcastic," Freya says. "Oh, well, she wasn't," Faith says.

Students prepare to leave for spring break, "All right, everyone, listen up. Absolutely no one leaves campus unless you're in the custody of your guardian. Now, with the full moon approaching, this rule especially applies to our wolves. Now, you know the drill. Vampires to your dorms. Wolves to your bunkers. Absolutely no exceptions. Just because we have a cure for werewolf bites doesn't mean they won't hurt like hell," Alaric announces.

Lizzie and Josie glare at Alaric, Hope is one of their best friends. They knew that their dad did not like the Mikaelsons, but to only want Hope at school because her blood was the cure for werewolf bites was wrong. "Wait, do you have Klaus's blood on hand," Damon asks. "Not exactly," Hope says.

"Now, for those of you who are staying behind, we have some activities planned to ensure that your...vacation will be the...dopest, coldest...spring break ever!" MG says to the group of vampires. The vampires laugh, "Are your mom and dad...dead? No place for you in human society? Does being alone leave you triggered? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, it's okay. The Holiday Committee has your back," MG says. Kaleb comes up to Rafael, "Hey, bro," Kaleb says. Kaleb looks at MG who continues talking, "I need you to do me a favor. Can you look after him while I'm gone on this trip with Dr. S.? MG's doing this little 'happy act' thing, but...he gets really weird around holidays," Kaleb explains to Raf. "Why?" Raf asks. "His family...they...they never invite him home. So, you know, just...hit up his little events and..." Kaleb says. "All right, uh, whatever, bro. Me and...and Lan will hang with your boy, all right? It's not like we have anything else to do," Raf agrees. Kaleb nods in thanks and leaves for Maple Hollows.

"Kaleb is sweet," Caroline coos. "What happened with MG's family," Elena asks. "They did not take to him becoming a vampire too well, and threw him out," Grace says.

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