Let's Just Finish This Dance (Part 4)

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Lizzie and hope enter the layers dorm and find a box on her bed. Lizzie sighs, "That cousin of yours knows exactly what I need," Lizzie says. "What's this," Hope asks. "Your dress," Lizzie says taking the cover off to reveal the blue dress. "This was my mother's..." Lizzie starts before Hope begins to shake her head. "No, Josie should wear it," Hope argues. "Josie has a dress," Lizzie says. "But this was your mother's," Hope says. "Given to her by an insane Original Hybrid," Lizzie says stressing the point. Hope rolls her eyes, "If it makes you feel better, Josie's dress was my mother's as well," Lizzie says. "Now, we can alter it to fit you," Lizzie says, turning her attention back to the blue dress. "I have to admit it's gorgeous," Hope says. 

"Oh no," Klaus says. Grace and Lizzie purse their lips, "The two of you are insane," Klaus says. 

"How'd the interview portion go?" Grace asks Josie on her way out of the room. "Great, I think," Josie says. "Follow me, I'll show you your dress and do the fitting," Grace says leading Josie to the twins dorm room. "Why aren't you doing Hope's fitting?" Josie asks Grace. The dark haired Mikaelson looks at the dark haired twin, "Lizzie and I are dividing and conquering," Grace says. Grace opens the box with the green dress carefully laid inside. "Your mother wore it for Miss Mystic," Grace says. Josie looks at her, "Lizzie and I thought you should wear it," Grace adds. "We will do your hair like Jo Laughlin did for her wedding," Grace says.

"Josie is wearing the dress chosen by her mother and hope is wearing the dress chosen by her father," Bonnie says. "I love when our plans come to a perfect resolution," Lizzie says. "You love when our plans work out exactly how you want," Grace amends.

"If it's a monster, my guess is it's a Gorgon," Alaric says. "What's that?" MG asks. "You ever hear of Medusa? She's the most famous one," Alaric says. "They're supposed to be incredibly beautiful with snakes for hair, turn men into stone. If Dorian were here, he could tell you more about it, but he's not," Alaric says, suddenly regretting bringing up the Dorian subject because it was connected to the Emma one. "Uh...wh-what if she was doing it off of instinct? You know, Gorgons gonna Gorgon. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe she's actually super smart and-and-and chill and she's just scared or confused or something," MG says, trying to defend the Gorgn knowing that supernatural creatures rarely had control. "Maybe," Alaric allows knowing that recently MG was reflecting onto himself.

"And who do we have to blame about Dorian being gone," Rebekah asks. When no one answers she nods her head realizing that everyone agreed, with her and who was at fault. 

Alaric turns around to look at the obviously disgruntled vampire. "What do you know?" Alaric says before turning to stone, causing MG to turn around. MG turns around coming face to face with NIa the gorgon. "Where is Landon Kirby? I won't hurt you or anyone else if you just take me to Landon Kirby," NIa says. "I'm not giving up any of my friends, but I'm definitely not giving up Landon," MG says. "Why aren't you stone?" Nia asks MG. "I don't know. Maybe because I'm a vampire?" MG says. "You're a vamp? That's dope," NIa says. MG looks at her shocked before nervously chuckling. 

"That is the best reaction, I have ever heard," Stefan says. "Yeah, well supernatural creatures, sometimes stick together," Faith says. "Especially if they get a bad wrap," Josie adds. "Kill her, she just turned Alaric to stone," Elena shouts. 

Flashback***Two Years Ago***

The girls leave the house and Hope does a locator spell on her parents. While Faith does a spell with Grace that is big enough that it will appear on the map. The girls begin walking towards the compound in New Orleans.

"Why did all of you do spells," Freya asks. "So that it would appear on the map," Grace says. 

The twins, Caroline, Kol and Davina are looking at the map, when three dots show up, one blue, one purple and the other green. "NIK," Kol shouts, and his hybrid brother makes an appearance.  "Let's go," Marcel says, as the three Mikaelson dads get ready to get their daughters. Lizzie and Josie move to go with them. Kol and Klaus stop and shake their heads at the girls, "Stay here, we will bring the girls," Kol says. The blonde pouts hoping that will get her some points, but Klaus shakes his head and both of the twins sit down.

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