We're Gonna Need A Spotlight (Part 5)

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"Stop. Stop! You're all getting detention," Dorian exclaims as he holds the doors closed. Alaric and Emma come around the corner, "Dorian?" Alaric shouts. "Dorian! Stand back. Vessera portus," Emma says, causing chains to wrap around the door handles. "I'm so glad you're okay," Dorian says to Emma. "I'm flattered," Alaric says before Emma kisses Dorian. "I may have found a solution to our slug problem," Emma says. "Small spaces," Landon mutters as he crawls in the air shaft. "Aximander Dust," Emma explains to the other adults. "It was favored by the witches of the Roman Empire. It conducts electricity through anything it touches. Think of it as chain lightning. All you need is a spark. Lecutio," Emma says. The dust lights up and shocks the students, causing the slugs to pop out from all different directions.

"Okay that is gross," Rebekah and Caroline repeat. "Yeah, especially if you don't like bugs," Faith says, looking at Grace. "Spiders and bugs are different," Grace exclaims and Kol laughs.

"So what was in that note that you gave me?" Josie asks Penelope as they walk through the woods. "You were supposed to read it," Penelope says as Josie siphons the barrier spell away. "You can't just tell me what it says?" Josie asks. Penelope stops Josie and brings her into a kiss. "That's what was in it," Penelope says. "You know that we're never getting back together, right?" Josie asks. "There," Penelope says, seeing the urn on a shelf. "That's the urn. Let's go. You drive," Josie says. "Not so fast, Thelma and Louise," Hope says. "Icaeus," Hope says, sending Penelope into a cabinet that breaks open revealing the canes. "Found the canes," Hope says sheepishly as canes fall out of the cabinet. "You shouldn't have done that," Josie says turning back to Hope. "Jo. Don't. This isn't you," Lizzie says grabbing a hold of Josie's wrist. "You don't even know the real me," Josie says to Lizzie. "Then answer one question while you're saying how you really feel. Am I a good sister?" Lizzie asks, leeting go of Josie's wrist. "Are you kidding me? You're a terrible sister," Josie exclaims before wincing from electric shock. The slug pops out of her ear and gets stomped on by Hope's shoe. "Lizzie...Lizzie, I'm so sorry," Josie says as Lizzie smiles and hugs her sister.

"Huh, those magical bracelets, really do work," Damon says.

"Hey. Wait up," Landon says to Raf. "Raf, um, we got some things we need to talk about?" Landon asks, hinting at Raf's poem about Hope. "Dude, you know I had that thing in me making me act crazy. I don't even know what I said," Raf says. "Attention, students. Given the incredibly odd and distressing day we've all had, I'm thinking we could all use a little pick-me-up, like a talent show redo," Alaric announces over the P.A. system. Students applaud excited for the redo. "Uh, so, we're good? Like, for real?" Landon says. "Yeah," Raf says. The two chuckle, "Always. I'm happy for you," Raf says. "Thank you. Thanks, man. Thank you," Landon says. "I'll see you," Landon says. "All right," Raf says before walking away and sulking about supporting his brother and the auburn haired Mikaelson.

"Wait, this means two brothers like Hope," Damon says. "But the real question is does Hope like the two brothers," Grace asks. Hope blushes and shakes her head at her cousin.

Circus music plays as the werewolf faction does their juggling talent. The crowd erupts into applause as they finish. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, the vampire faction has chosen for their talent to do a sit-in protest," the MC announces. The crowd boos as the vampires laugh, "Okay, okay," Alaric says, trying to calm down the crowd. Grace moves through the crowd, finding Hope. "Hey," she says. "We need you backstage," Grace says. "Please tell me you did not concede to her again," Hope says. "Yes, I did," Grace admits. "Simp," Hope mutters under her breath. "Come on, Faith is already ready," Grace says. Hope shakes her head, "Landon, I will see you in a little bit," Hope says. Landon nods. Hope and Grace go backstage to find Faith in a green mermaid dress. Hope laughs, "Talk about bad costumes," Hope teases. Faith groans, "Don't tease, I wanted to do the argument between Kol and Finn," Faith says. "But this argument is fun," Grace says. "And less violent," Faith adds. Hope laughs, and Grace snaps, changing both her outfit and Hope's. Hope takes a sketchbook out of her bag. Grace gives her a look, "My prop," she says and Grace smiles.

"What are the three of you doing," Rebekah asks. "An act for the talent show, duh," Grace says.

"All right, witches, grab a cane. I've got some new choreography," Lizzie announces as she hands out canes. "Thank God. I can't believe I actually wanted to sing," Josie says. "Oh, you're still singing," Lizzie tells her twin. "What?" Josie asks. "Those slugs revealed your uninhibited self. You really want to share the spotlight with the worst sister ever, Josie Saltzman? The spotlight is officially yours," Lizzie says. Josie comes out from backstage in a blue dress and heads to the microphone that is in a circle of light. "Standing in the shadows. I thought that I earned it..." Josie starts singing. "Feeling invisible. Believing I deserved it. I can't remember. What I was waiting for. So no more," Josie continues singing, as the crowd begins cheering and the witches begin dancing in the background. "I'm climbing over walls that I've made. I'm finding my place. On the stage. I'm gonna be leaving. All those doubts behind. I'm step, I'm stepping into the light. I'm gonna be spreading. My wings. Following a path. They can't see. Chasing an adventure. That's all mine. I'm step, I'm stepping into the light. I'm shedding the skin that I'm in. Never hiding who I am. Ever again. That girl you knew. She's ready to ignite. I'm step, I'm stepping into the light," Josie finishes her song with a smile. The audience cheers and Alaric has a proud look on his face. Josie and Lizzie exchange a look, as Lizzie goes over to the microphone.

Caroline cries, and hugs the dark haired twin. Lizzie smiles, proud that her sister got out of her shell. Even though there was some relapses where Josie tried to hide, this was the beginning.

 Even though there was some relapses where Josie tried to hide, this was the beginning

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