Hell yeah that just happened

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***Warning if you're uncomfortable reading sexish scenes then this is not your chapter, skip to like the ninth page. This is some 14A rated stuff here...read at your own risk.***

Jeremy's POV 

It's been four months since Dani and Will broke up, and three since we've been friends again, and it's beem great. 

I sit on my bed, listening to Dani rant for what seems like the tenth time this week.  "You know after everything that happened last year I got over it, I did. I was working on forgiving them, but now he's going out with Lizzy?! Who does that? Clearly I wasn't good enough because I never had sex with him but she'll sleep with any guy that breathes!"  

"We have one year left of High School, it'll be fine it will all be fine." I assure her. 

"How can you say that Jeremy?" She questions. "I know these problems won't matter in a few years but this is right now, and right now sucks horse shit." I snicker, and even catch a smile on Dani's face. I stand up. 

"Look Dani I know it doesn't mean much but I am really sorry about Will." I say, rubbing her arms. "He doesn't deserve you." I wrap my arms around Dani and she buries her face in my shoulder.  When we pull away, Dani is looking at me with a sort of fascination.  

"Is there something on my face?" I ask, rubbing the corners of my lips with my thumb. "Is it that powder donut I had earlier?"  

"No." She mumbles. 

She places her hands on my shoulders.  "You have probably the bluest eyes I've ever seen." She states simply, like it's obvious and she's just trying to brush it off. 

"Really?" I ask, a little uncomfortable with a compliment. I gulp. 

"Because you're eyes at the color of the sky after a storm."  Her smile stretches on for what seems like a mile. I notice she's pressed up against me fully now, and her arms have wrapped themselves around my neck. She seems to hang off of me.  

"What shade is that?"  "Beautiful." I whisper. I mentally smack myself in the face, how corny can you get Jeremy?  

"Really?" She whispers as well. I nod.  "I've always thought you were beautiful Dani. " I confess. Dani's eyes look glossy.  

"Jeremy?" She asks, her voice sounding small.  

"Yes?"  Suddenly, her lips touch mine and I'm frozen in in place. Her eyes slip closed as she puts more pressure on my lips, and I can feel her breath on my face as she breathes hard through her nose. Meanwhile, I'm staring wide-eyed at her face, my body completely rigid with shock. 

I push her back slightly. "Whoa! Hey! What are you doing?" Her arms pull me back into a kiss, and she moves closer, standing between my legs. Her lips taste like strawberries... And suddenly I'm holding her up against the wall, her legs fixed around my waist and her chest up against mine. I'm so consumed in her kiss, thoughts are failing to process right now.  She doesn't say anything, instead she pushes me back so I'm sitting on the edge of my bed. Dani begins to straddle my lap, rocking her hips against mine. Shivers run down my back. 

Ok, this is seriously getting out of hand. I'm leaning back on my elbows and she's kissing underneath my jaw, sucking and nipping at it slightly. "Dani what the hell are you doing? Ow! Stop it! No marks! I'll never hear the end of it from Penny." 

Dani ignores me, but let's up on the sucking.  "Don't bring up your sister while we're doing...this."  


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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