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Mel's POV

"Mel!" Eileen hisses. I whip around and stare at her in class. Today marks the first day of class without Josie, at least for a week anyway.

"What?" I ask, while Mr. Anderson is writing on the board.

"Do you realize what today is?" She asks. I shake my head.

"No what is it?"

"It's Tuesday" she says like I should know why Tuesday is suddenly so important.

"Your point?"

"It's Tuesday" she repeats. Oh my God, it's Tuesday.

"What are we going to do?" I ask her and she shrugs as she leans over her desk. "Just wait to see what happens I guess"

I turn my attention to the front, and Mr. Anderson turns to us.

"Okay so as you all know, Milo is incapable of presenting to the class for whatever reason so he's going to read us an original story." He sighs and sits in his desk. "Let's hope it's not like last week's"

Milo is literally the weirdest kid you'll ever meet. His hair is shaggy, always greasy and a horribly dark colour. His smell makes your stomach churn, and he twitches. A lot. But he has some unknown issues, so he has to read the class stories.

Milo gets up to the front in his raggedy red hoodie and stands in front of the class. I'm trying to hold back my laughter. He just looks so serious, and he stares up at his unibrow too often.

Milo cocks his head to the side and begins.

"I'd like to call this journal selection, Crunch"

I don't know if this is about candy, but knowing Milo it's going to be creepy.

"Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. I love the sound her neck makes when I snap it" he says.

Oh my God.

"She could stop shaking it for me, we were so wasted" he continues. I'm trying not to laugh, but dear God what is he doing. I don't know if should be laughing.

"Crunch." He whispers. "I love the crunch, we used to make that sound together" he says.

I honestly don't know how to react to this.

Should I be laughing? But this is so typical of Milo.

"Alright Milo that's enough" Mr. Anderson says and gets up.

"Crunch!" Milo yells. "Crunch!" He screams and Mr. Anderson takes the paper.

"Sit down!" He commands Milo, and he complies.

Milo sits in his seat, and folds his arms. I can hear Eileen snort behind me.


An hour later we're completing some math work, when screams are heard from downstairs.

They sound like little kids, but they don't sound like anyone's in trouble.

"Oh no they found my videos!" Exclaims Milo.


Josie comes back to school today. I don't know if I should be scared, or ready for a fight. Either way, I'm just going to see how it goes.

I was given a pep talk by my parents, and sent off to school.

For the past three days, Jason has actually left me alone. For the first one he kept calling and calling, but eventually he stopped.

Eileen and I still haven't figured out our revenge, but it's going to be big.

I walked over to the school, ready for whatever comes at me.

I walk onto the pavement, and everyone's eyes feel like they're burning into mine. Ignore it.

I walk straight past, with my head held high. At least, that's what my Mom said to do.

Jason's on the basketball court, and gapes at me, but I just walk past. Until I reach Eileen and Devin.

Josie makes her grand entrance, she struts with Emelia, and blows a kiss at Ryan.

You've got to be kidding me.

What? Did she star in a movie while she was suspended?

She doesn't even look at me, which is a good sign.

I'd rather she not acknowledge my existence, then have her bully me.

Maybe things are getting better.

After a small amount of time spent chatting, the bell rings and everyone heads inside. I shuffle past a few people to my locker, and manage to open it.

"You sure this is a good idea?" I overhear Mark say to Jason.

"Yeah" Jason assures him. "It'll be hilarious" what will be hilarious?

"Alright whatever you say" they fist bump, and head into class. Leaving me wondering what they're up too.


We're writing down a few math problems, and I already feel myself starting to de-stress.

I always feel so wound up, between school and friends. I just want to be me, I don't have to care about anything else yet.

The problem is easy, I already know this stuff about fractions.

I'm done the work in five minutes.

"Mmm". I hear a moan? Come from the back of the class.

"Victoria" a guy moans. Victoria?

Soon enough, the other guys join in.

"Oh Victoria!"

"Mm baby"

Mr. Anderson looks completely dumbfounded by the stupidity of our class.

"Settle down!" He warns us, and I slouch in my seat.

Mark gets up to use the sharpener at the front of the room. It's right underneath a poster that reads "the best elf is ur-self"

Hm, that's different.

He inserts his pencil in the sharpener, and opens his mouth.

"Victoria!" He moans as he twists the pencil around. The entire class breaks out in laughter.


Josie's left me alone all week, it's been really nice. I hope things are changing at Corr Public School.

I stand outside, talking with Eileen at recess.

"I figured it out" she breaks off me talking about Dee Dee's tantrum last night.

"You have a plan?" I ask her and she nods. "Oh yeah, Jason will feel the wrath of a woman scorned"

"Again with the Shakespere" I mumble. "Okay, what are we going to do?"

A/N We'll see!

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