First day, here we go again

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Mel's PoV

I can honestly say I didn't know what to expect on my first day of High School. I didn't want to get cocky, and pretend like it was going to be easy. I didn't want to pretend I was preaparing for four years of hell either, but then again I had no clue what I was heading into. All I knew was I had a total of two close friends for my first day, and an extremely popular cousin I shouldn't try to approach. I was to say the least, confused.

I chose something simple, skinny jeans and a flouncy teal tank top. Nothing too much, but just enough. Now all I needed to do was work up the nerve to walk through the front door.

I had been on a tour of Stonewall High before, it was a massive and seriously old school. But at least I had some sort of general idea as to where I would go. The first day of school was dedicated to grade nine's, now? I have to mix in with all the other grades. As various tall people pass me, I gulp.Where's Jason when I need him? He must be 5"10 by now.

Eileen walks up to me in blue jeans and a camoflauge shirt with her silk black hair down.

"Hey" she smiles, I return it.

"Hey, I haven't seen you all summer!' I hug her, we move away from the crowd. "How was China?"

"It was great, I'll tell you all about it at lunch." She pauses. "Speaking of which, what time is that? I kind of wasn't here in time for grade nine day."

"I noticed." She grins."And what did you do on this day?"

"Eileen!" I gape and she laughs. "Where is he anyway?"

"I don't know." I pull my cellphone out of my back pocket. There's no text waiting.

"Don't worry about it." She says, "Let's go inside."We shove past a few people from the buses and walk into the main lobby.

There's a lot of people standing around talking in different circles, it's kind of intimidating. The ceiling is high, and the floor has a 'Red Devils terriotory" sign plastered to it. If this isn't intimidating I don't know what is.

"Holy crap." Eileen mumbles looking around. "Where are we?"

To the left is a long hallway, lined with lockers and filled with even more people. To the right is the main office and another hallway.

"Maybe we should go find my locker or something." I say, Eileen nods.

"Wait, I have to go to the office and get my schedule. Otherwise I'll have no idea where I am." The idea of us separating makes me numb.

"Yeah, okay." She waves goodbye, and starts to walk over to the office.

The bell rings and a massive wave of people surround us, I can't even see over their shoulders. What have I gotten myself into?


What room is my science class in again? 223 maybe?

I walk down the hall, my binders in my arms. I open the door to room 223, hoping to find a familiar face. I don't see any, just older students.

The teacher looks at me through her half moon glasses. She's short, stout and has a look of pure disdain for a puny grade nine like me. "I think your in the wrong room sweetheart." The other students snicker, I gulp.

Closing the door behind me, I head down the hallway, walking past a few other late students. I open the door to room 206, thankful to see my science class. Eileen sits in the back corner. I grin when I see her.

"What are you doing?" Mr LaMeaux asks. He's a fairly older teacher, I'm surprised he's still teaching. Despite his gray hair, he's still intimidating.

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