The party

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*Disclaimer, this chapter does get a bit umm, what's the word here. "Adult?" "PG-13?" "14A" even? Anyways, read with caution!

Dani's POV

The moment I got home from the mall, my phone was vibrating so much it could register on the richtor scale.

Are you hosting the party or what? -JP

We are going to get so wasted! Lol not that much tho, don't want sh*t to get too serious. -Lizzy

Love you so much if we have this party, you're my everything.- Will

I can't think straight, since they found out my parents would be gone this weekend, everyone wants me to have this party. Where am I going to get drinks? My Dad's a cop! I have two younger sister's, and I know I don't have to worry about Alysha. She'd gladly join in, and she's going to some senior party anyway.

I walk in the house, it's only 4:30 so I know my Mom and Dad are still working.

I shuffled up the stairs, and collapsed on my purple comforter. I breathed a sigh of relief, and whipped my cell out of my pocket. I could use a good party to get out of this sh*t.

I composed a mass text, Friday's at my place, 6:00.


"Are you excited?" Lizzy grinned in my bathroom. She was standing at the mirror, getting ready and sticking on mascara.

"Yeah" I sighed. "I really need this, I honestly just need to get rid of all the stress I had this week"

"God" she breathes. "I don't know how you do it, two little sister's and an older one? You deserve an award". I adjusted my leather jacket, laughed and took a bow. She grinned, and tugged down her own tight fish net top.

"C'mon you don't need to show so much cleavage" I said and she laughed, only tugging it down further.

"I might lose it tonight" she said, and adjusted her eyeliner.

"You what?" I asked, totally in shock.

"We might skip out and get a hotel room." she said and finished the line.

"Woah" I commented, and reached for my perfume.

"Well c'mon, we've been dating for two years"

"You have protection right?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes Mother Theresa" she teased and shoved me on the arm. I swung up, and sat on my counter. I haven't thought about sex, like at all. I mean I know it'll happen someday it's just a scary thought. Like if I'm going to give someone my all, I think I want to go old fashioned and be married first.

"Everyone's doing it" she said and pulled up her jeans. "I'm surprised you and Will haven't, or have you?" she winks and I shake my head.

"No way! Not in grade ten"

"Oh c'mon, you know it'll be good with a guy like him" she winks again, and I shrug.

"How far have you gotten?" she asks, and I blink. This is personal.

"Um second base I guess, we haven't had sex"

"Sex with him would be so good though" she shrugs and walks out of the bathroom, headed for the stairs. I know I sound like a little kid, but this is getting a bit to adult for me.

"But I still haven't lost the V-card" she sighs, and heads into the kitchen. That's a good thing...She's stirring the punch with her one finger on the handle of the spoon. I watch it spin around and around.

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