Lacrosse time

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Dani's POV

"So what do you want to do?" I ask Alysha and she shrugs. It's Friday night, neither of us have plans, and we're just sitting at home. I didn't want to go to Lizzy's party tonight, I'm too tired. I told Will to give her my best.

"Want to watch TV or something?" Alysha asks "I think there's a new funny looking show called Raising Hope."

"Okay, sure." I reply, and fall back into the couch.

Most sisters would shop together, or do something girly. Alysha and I aren't like that, if we want to talk we do, if we don't then we don't.

We've got each other's backs, we just have totally different personalities and interests.

But we do love each other, that much I know.

"Why haven't you been drawing lately?" I ask during a commercial break.

"Oh, I'm too busy." she says quickly. I think there's something she's not telling me.

"Is that it?" I ask.

"Well, I've just lost my inspiration." she says. "I just don't want to anymore."


The next morning I get u bright and early at 10 am.

I get dressed, tossing on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. It's a warmer day, and my last chance to practice my passing.

I have some cereal for breakfast, and get my lacrosse stick from the laundry room. I put a yellow rubber ball in the net, and grab my old pink lacrosse stick.

I loved my old lacrosse stick, but I need a new one. I've worn it in. I'm so used to it, that it feels like a feather in my hands.

"I'm going to Jeremy's! Bye Mom!" I yell at the top of my lungs, and swing the door closed behind me.

I walk outside, making sure my lacrosse jacket is zipped up and cross over my driveway to his.

I walk up the path, and knock on the door.

Penny answers it, in her fluffy pink house coat. "Dani? What are you doing here?"

"Is Jeremy home?" I look over her shoulder.

"Why do you want to hang with him? Aren't you cool?"

I roll my eyes. "Is he home?" I ask.

"He always is." she mutters.

"Jeremy! You're girlfriend's here!" She yells at the top of her lungs, practically shattering my ear drum.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He yells and jogs down the stairs. Jeremy smiles at me, and I grin in return.

"Lacrosse time." I tell him.

"Oh joy." he says, deadpan. I give him a disapproving look.

"Really, I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself. I'm practically bursting with enthusiasm." His voice is completely monotone.

"C'mon." I say, pulling him out of the house.

"Penny, help! I'm being kidnapped." he calls, grabbing the doorframe.

"Good riddance." Penny says, closing the door. Jeremy has just enough time to move his fingers.

"Well that was rude."

I hand him my old lacrosse stick. "You get the pink one, isn't that sweet of me?" I smile.

"Oh joy"

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