Beauty never falls for the geek

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Dani's POV

"C'mon Dani!" Lizzy shrieks, her nails digging into my hand. "The countdown will begin in ten minutes!" I laugh as she drags me into the living room.

"Alright, alright I'm coming!"

We take a seat on the longer couch. I'm a little closer to JP then I'm comfortable with, but it's okay.

"So Dani, how are you?" he asks, sounding a bit nervous. Odd.

"I'm okay I guess." I don't really feel like talking to him, considering the drama he caused.

"I'm sorry about the party." he says and takes a sip from his cup. "I just didn't want to look like I was some loser."

"You wouldn't have looked like a loser." I say, and fold my hands together in my lap. "And would it matter if you did?" I ask.

"Of course." he replies. "I have a reputation to uphold."

"As what?" scoffs Lizzy. "Will's lackey?"

"Shut it." I snap, and everyone silences. Lizzy puts her hands up in defence. Before anyone can interject, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I declare, thankful for an exit from this conversation. I jog up to the door, and turn the handle to find Will standing in front of me. He looks good, like he always does. He's in a varsity jacket, the one with puffy red sleeves and a black chest. He has on blue jeans, and running shoes.

I roll my eyes at him. "What do you want?"

"To talk, that's all I ask." he says, with his hands in his pockets.

"There's nothing to say." I snap and clutch on the door frame. "You showed me who you are underneath the whole charade."

"So then why haven't you dumped me?"

For once he looks vulnerable. I'm floored.

Why haven't I dumped him?

If I know who he really is why haven't I tried to end things?

"Will it's late, you're going to miss the countdown." I respond.

"I don't care. Can I come in please?" he begs, and I step back to allow him access in the house. He walks in, wiping his shoes on the gray mat below us.

Before I can go back to the living room, he grabs my hands. "Dani, I want to change."

I sigh. "Will, you say that now, but you say a lot of things. I don't know what to believe anymore."

"Believe me when I tell you I love you, and I won't be two people anymore."

"So who are you going to be? The Will I know, or the one everyone wants you to be?"

"I was hoping you could help me with that." His fingers lock with mine, and I gulp.

How is it that I'm ready to leave him, and he just reels me back in.

"10!" Everybody shouts.


"Will!" I try to yell over everyone. "I don't know!"



"You don't need to know, I don't need to know anything but that you love me back!" he shouts.



"Will!" I exclaim, lost as to what I should do.

"Just give me one more chance Dani!" he yells.



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