The Sweetest Thing

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Jeremy's POV

I woke up to find Dani's head rested on my chest, and her cheeks stained with tears. Carefully, I managed to get her head off my chest, and rest it on the pillow. I get out of bed, and stand back to look at her. She looks so small, and helpless. She's sleeping on her side, and all curled, her knees close to her chest. Like she's protecting herself from some unknown force. Will's such a jackass. I would kick his butt, but y'know, I weight about 170 soaking wet, so......not really a good idea. It's the thought that counts I guess. I take another look at her, and I'm overwhelmed with the need to kiss her forehead, so I do. She shifts at the touch, but then she starts to sprawl out and take up all space on the bed.

I sigh, and head upstairs to her kitchen. Maybe there's something we can eat..... I survey the kitchen as I walk into the room. I didn't really get a good look at it last night, cause I kinda got punched in the face. The kitchen has light brown cupboards on the wall to the right. There's a rusting stove breaking the forest green countertop, and with a broiler on top of it. I can see the first aid kit is still on the counter, and I proceed to close it. Then I start to look through and find something to eat. In the small cupboard beside the fridge, there's a box of cereal labelled "DANI" and some other boxes of oatmeal. Above it is a utilities cupboard where I'm assuming the first aid kit would go. I turn to my left and look at the cupboard above the microwave. I find a box of pancake mix. Score! I grab some eggs, the carton of milk, the mix and I'm good to go. I look in the cupboard underneath for a pan. Then I follow the cooking instructions, and get the mix ready to flip. I'm dancing around, belting out lyrics into the whisk.

My love she throws me like a rubber ball

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

She won't catch me or break my fall

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

Baby's got blue skies up ahead

But in this I'm a rain cloud

You know she wants dry kind of love

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

I'm losing you

I'm losing you yeah

Ain't love the sweetest thing

I wanted to run but she made me crawl

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

Eternal fire, she turned me to straw

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

You know I got black eyes

But they burn so brightly for her

This is a blind kind of love

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

I'm losing you

Oh oh oh, I'm losing you

Ain't love the sweetest thing

Blue-eyed boy meets a brown-eyed girl

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

You can sew it up but you still see the tear

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

Baby's got blue skies up ahead

But in this I'm a rain cloud

Ours is a stormy kind of love

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing

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