Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

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( I recommend listening to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds for this chapter if you didn't get that from the title)

Dani's POV

I search frantically for the blunt.
Jogging down the stairs and almost slipping down the hardwood, I find my leather jacket in the closet and the weed on the inside pocket.

Clutching the bag in my fist, I take the bag up to my room. I take a seat at my desk, I take the wrap out of the bag and spread the red evenly down the length of the blunt, rolling it so the weed doesn't fall out the side. I lick it shut and twist the ends, flicking on my lighter and holding the blunt over the flame to let the weed bake.

I remember my party days, and how I used to do this every weekend.
It feels weird to do it again, but I need to forget everything that's happened, and if Cush can help me feel that way, so be it; I just want to feel happy, even for a moment.

After baking it for a minute and a half, it's finally ready for smoking.

I wouldn't be doing this if my parents were home, obviously, but my Mom's out with her friends from work, and my Dad's working. Since Alysha left, I don't see them much anymore. I don't care, it gives me the chance to do this.

I take a seat on the floor, leaning against my bed and twirling the blunt in my fingers to make sure it doesn't run. I lick my lower lip, and light the blunt.

Inhaling it feels good. I feel a lot better, more relaxed.

I look at the painting on my wall, I used to think it was just a map of the world. But now I look at all the colours, and I'm suddenly running my finger over them. Everything is so much more detailed then you realize.

This isn't my first time smoking weed, but now it feels so much better.
I sit down on the floor; this would be so much more fun if I had somebody to smoke with.

The room seems dimmer now, and I feel really hungry.

I grip the railing, afraid I'll fall and walk downstairs. I enter the kitchen, opening the cupboard and getting a bag of chips. Nobody will miss these.

I walk back into my room, lay on the bed and take another puff. Holding the blunt in my fingers, I munch on a chip.

This was a good idea.

I sprawl out on the bed and close my eyes. I think of a blonde haired boy, walking in the park with his mother and father. How lovely.

Abby's POV

I decided a surprise visit would be good for Dani. Her Mom called and said she's been staying in all week and that she's getting concerned.

I knock on the door, but there's no response. I knock again. Nothing.
Opening the door, I walk in and my nostrils burn.

Oh no.

I close the door, and walk up the stairs, dropping my bag on the landing.
"Dani?" I ask, opening her door. "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is playing on her stereo and she's laying on her bed in sweats, a grin spread from ear to ear on her face. I walk over to her nightstand and shut off her iPod.
"Hey!" She protests. "Do you know how beautiful music is when you're feeling like I am?" She asks.
"I thought we burned your weed." I say.
Dani's eyes open slowly. "You should know me better." She responds. I roll my eyes.
"C'mon Dani." I complain. "It was symbolic and metaphorical. I thought it was the end of this behaviour."
"So did I." She responds, rubbing her eyes. I look at them, and they're tinged red. They're not too bad, but they're bad enough.
"You're high as a kite." I say and sit on the bed beside her. She sits up, resting on her elbows.
"More like a telephone pole."
"A telephone pole?" I ask. "That's a horrible metaphor."
Dani laughs, more like she screeches but it goes on for a few minutes. I remember reading that when you're high off marijuana, everything is funny and music sounds amazing. She's definitely high.

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