Don't you sound like my Mother

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Dani's POV

I sat on one side of the dinner table with Jeremy, Penny and Alysha sitting on the other. Aunt Candy and Uncle Carl sat different ends of the table.

"How are you enjoying Florida so far?" Aunt Candy asks, taking a sip of her drink..

"It's really fun." I answer. "It's really nice here." My foot accidentally brushes up against Jeremy's under the table, I move it away as fast as possible.

"Glad to hear that, how have you been sleeping? Your mother told me about your nightmares so I just wanted to...." My cheeks burn red and so do Jeremy's.

"It's fine." I interrupt, trying to remain calm. "Everything's under control."

"Awesome." Her eyes move to Alysha, and I exhale in relief. I slink further into the chair. They babble on about nonsense until Aunt Candy brings up the scholarship.

"So, have you come to a decision about the school yet?"

Alysha stares at her plate while the rest of us stare at her. She shifts the peas around with her fork. "I love the school, but it's so far from home." she says, looking up at all of us.

"It is far isn't it? Three day drive two hour flight." I comment, contained annoyance clear in my tone.

"It's a really nice school." she adds, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh, I loved the look of it." I say, "Very sleek and new, different from home huh?"

"Yes..?" she answers, confusion plastered across her face.

"You've been wanting to escape for this long, to fly the coop I guess. I say go for it." I seethe my fork stabbing the steak in front of me.

Jeremy's hand reaches under the table and grips my forearm tightly. I ignore it.

"I mean, that's all you've been talking about, leaving us, so why not? Isn't that what you want?" I continue.

"Why are you being this way?" she demands. "All I've been to you is nice, I brought you on this trip I showed you around my new school."

"So you're leaving then?" I ask. "Fine, do it I don't care."

"Maybe I will Dani! Why can't you understand how much this means to me?!" she exclaims. Everyone else is dead silent.

"Why can't you understand that gong to live in another country away from your family for four years should be an option to discuss with your little sister!" I scream, slamming my palm on the table.

"Oh!" Alysha laughs. "So you think you're so righteous as to tell me what to do? Where were you when I was ready to give up art? Where were you when Tyler dumped me?!" she yells. She puts her index finger on her cheek, like she's thinking.

"Oh that's right! Getting high with your friends!"

"You're just jealous I have friends!" I shout back, but I instantly regret it, my hand moving to cover my mouth.

"Girls! What would your mother say?" Aunt Candy intervenes. Everyone's too busy picking their jaws off the tabletop to say anything. "Carl help me out here."

Alysha and I stare at each other. She looked hostile at first, but now she looks vulnerable. She stares at the floor. "And isn't that special?" She pushes her chair in, and walks away.

"Alysha I didn't mean..." I trail off as she exits the room. I try to chase after her, but Penny grabs my forearm.

"I think you've said enough Dani." she says sternly.

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