chapter 3

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authors note:

thanks for the people who are reading this! im getting really excited about this and can we maybe all vote? pretty please? well anyways heres tehn ext chapter. oh and my best frined stephanie. if your reading this. the koalas took over, ok? ok back to the chapter.


I woke up in a room that i didnt know. it was also very cold in here. i got up and ran for the door. i then open the door and notice im in blakes house. thank god. i thought i got captured by the koalas. im kinda scared of koalas. i dont know why but i am.

i walked down the hall and found a clock there. it reads 3:28. oh god its so early. i went to blakes room and find him on his laptop.

"dude, its like 3:30" i walk to him and sit down on his bed

"yeah and your up too, alyssa go to sleep"

"blake, i cant. its to hard for me to go to sleep"

"i know babe, im sorry. your just goign to live with me for now"

"wait what, i am"

"oh i guess my mom didnt tell you. yeah all your stuff is in the quest room"

"who packed my stuff?"

"i did and i saw all your little girly underwear to"

at that i blushed right away. that must of been awkard for him.

"uh thanks blake, im going to go get it"

"no. alyssa come here and sleep"

Before i even answered he grabbed me by my waist and i was cuddled agianst him. i dont know why but a thought of my parents came into my head. i fell asleep soon after though.


"hey kiddo" my dad said

"hi daddy"

i was about 8 when this all happened. my dad picked me up and told me he loved me and will always be there for me. then my mom came and took my from my dad. my mom kissed my cheek and said she also loved me. she told me to always follow my dreams and to never give up. no matter what happend. i smailed at my mother and father and walked away to play in the sand. my favourite stuffed panda bear was there. when i turned around my mom and dad were gone. i looked every where, but couldnt find them.

"MOMMY" i screamed

No response

"DADDY" i screamed agian

no response agian. then i heard my mother scream and with that. both my parents got hit by the truck. thats when i woke up.


i woke up crying. i started screaming and crying. blake was still with me and he started to hold me closer. i didnt stop screaming.

"shh, gummy bear, im here its alright"

"it was a dream, right? RIGHT BLAKE?"

"oh, alyssa im sorry. its alright ok. just calm down and try to sleep"

i listened to him and laid down beside him. he then leaned over and kissed my cheek. My whoel face felt like there were sparks in my skin. that never happens. this isnt normal. whats going on? i fell asleep. just like that.

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