Chapter 36

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"What time is it?" I asked Blake.

"Uh I'm not sure, about 1:30"

All day I have felt sick. Everything is a mess head hurts, I have thrown up almost every five minutes and I'm weak. I couldn't even beat Stephanie at a arm wrestling contest! That's not normal.

Blake told everyone to get out if the house so he could take care if me. He's doing a terrible job because I still feel like shit.

"My head hurts!" I yelled

"I know baby, I know" he started to rub my head a little and play with my hair.

"Make it go away" I cried

He kissed my head and then put his forehead on my forehead.

"What about we distract you?"

"We're not having sex.." I said

"Not that! I meant like a game or something"

"Oh um ok what?"

"Uh..hmm" he was thinking.

"Baby names" he said

"Ok fine, go"

"Alright. Ok I like Blair for a girl name and Collin for a boys name"

"I like alex for a girls name and... niall for a boys name" I said

"Ok now middle names" he said

"For a girl Stephanie, and for I boy I want it to be ryan"

"Really?" He asked

"Yeah. I love them both" I said and he looked at me with a "no DUH" face.

"As friends Blake..." I said

"Good your mine!" He said then kissed my forehead then kissed my stomach. There's actually a bump there now!

"For a middle name I like Tyler and Stephanie"

"Ok so if it's a girl then her middle name will be Stephanie. For sure. And if it's a boy... We will see"

"Ok. Now how do we pick?" He asked

"There's only one way" I said

Blake looked at me worried. My ideas were always weird.

"BABY NAMING CONTEST!!" I yelled then I grabbed my head and cried in pain.

"Moron" Blake said

"I heard that"

"Good" he said then kissed my cheek.

About an hour later Stephanie, Tyler and Ryan were at our house.

"Ok out a tally under the name you like. The first name first. One for a boy then one for a girl"

I handed out the paper and Tyler put a tally down, then Stephanie did and smiled. Then Ryan put one down.

I took the paper but Blake wouldn't let me look. He jut handed out the next one for the middle name.

Tyler did it, then Stephanie did it. Then Ryan got it and read it. He looked up and smiled at me.

"My name is really on this?" He asked me.

"Yeah" I said and smiled back at him.

He put the tally down then got up and came to hug me. He hugged me really tight and whispered in my ear

"I'm so sorry about what I did. I had my family to protect."

"I know" I said and a tear left my eye

Stephanie read every thing up and then came to the living room. We let her announce it because me and Blake wanted a surprise.

"For a girl, her name will be Alex Stephanie Anderson."

"I picked all of that." I said

"Hey!" Blake said then playfully hit my arm

"I helped too.. " he frowned

"I know babe.." I said

"Whatever" he said

"WILL YOU ALL SHUT UP!" Stephanie said

We all looked at her an smiled

"Taking control is cute on you babe" Tyler said

"Tyler shut up!" She yelled

"Yes honey.."

"Ok for a boy, his name will be Collin Ryan Anderson"

I looked at Ryan and he smiled.

"Thank you" he mouthed to me

"I picked that name" Blake said

"One out of four" I pointed out.

I then felt sick again. Just thinking about having this kid makes me sick.

I ran to the bathroom ad threw up. After I was done I washed my mouth and went back int the living room.

"They left?" I asked

"I sent them away"


"Because it's just me and you today"

I looked at my stomach then at Blake.

"And Collin" he said

"It might be a girl!" I said

"Whatever!" He said like a child.

"We have your doctor appointment tomorrow morning so maybe you should get some sleep." He said

"Ten more minutes?"

"What am I your mother?" He asked

I frowned a little.

"Go to be missy" he said

"Come with me" I said

"Fine" he got up and followed me to the bedroom.

i jumped on the bed and landed on my stomach.

"ALYSSA! BE CAREFUL" he yelled


I layed down and started to close my eyes as I snuggled up to Blake.

"Blake. I'm scared'

"Of what?" He asked

"Of having this kid.."

"You will be fine. I promise"

"How do you know?"

"I'll make sure they give you the good drugs"

"That's all I pray for"

"Good night lys"

"Night Bla"

"Bla really?" He asked

"You called me lys and I can't make a nick name out of Blake"

I said

"Blake is good enough"

"Goodnight gummy worm" I said

"Night gummy bear"

I then drifted off to sleep...

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