Chapter 14

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I woke up in a bed that wasnt mine. I was scared and nevous on were and why I am here. I cant open my eyes. am i even awake? I cant move my body and I feel like a rock is on top of me. I am just here. hopefully not dead.

Blakes POV

its 3:00 in the morning an i cant sleep. i got a call about three hours ago saying that alyssa is in the hospital with stephanie. i was at the air port ready to go home when our manganger told me i couldnt. i pretty much killed the guy but the three police men took me down easy. i need to get home and now. i am locked in my hotel room and i cant do anything about my poor baby getting hurt. what is it was really bad. what is she is dying at this moment. BLAKE STOP IT! DONT THINK LIKE THAT! SHES FINE. i know she is. she is tough. tyler isnt taking this to well either. he is a bit more calm but he is pretty messed up rigth now. aall i know is that im going home right now.

I some how got out of my room and went into the hallway of the hotel. all my stuff is down stairs and waiting. i heard a door open and there was our manager staring at me.

"blake go to sleep" you can go home next week after the tour is over" he said

"i have to go now" i was almost crying

"blake i know you love her but if you leave then you are dissapointing the boys. think about how Cole, Tyler, Jay and matt feel. you cant do this to them"

Just then they all walked out of the room tehy were staying in. tyler was still crying and i felt so bad he knows what it feels like right now. to not know what is going on. we need to know whats happening.

"we" crys "have" cry "to" cry "go" cry "home" tyler cried

"please" i said

"ok heres the choice. you eaither pick between this band or those girls. your choice, dont mess this up." our manager said

He walked out of the room and all the boys just stared at each other wide eyed.

"what the hell are we going to do?" matt asked

"what do you mean!" i screamed

"were going home!"

"we cant just leave blake" cole said

"if it was sky then you would leave!"

tyler isnt even talking anymore. he is just sitting there and looking at his hand.

"no i wouldnt! im not CRAZED OVER HER LIEK YOU ARE!"

"cole, shes my bestfriend" i said

"ok guys look. we need to just think about this." matt says

"theres no thinking-" i got cut off by coles phone ringing

"hello" he answered

"babe, calm down its fine. i know but we cant."


"were coming"

he hung up and looked at me then at tyler.

"get in the car were going home now"

"YES" i screamed

ten minutes later we were in the car and about to go to the air port. we all were buckled in when our manager came to my window looking very mad at me.

"blake get out" she said





"NO!" i screamed

"we pick our girls. this band might mean a lot but those girls are the only reason we are here. good bye." i said

"STEP ON IT DRIVER" Tyler screamed

"well i see tyler wants to get home" cole says laughing



We were at the hospital now and the guys were getting soem food. stephanie woke up about and hour after we got here. alyssa is still lying there like she will never get up. the doctors said that stephanie only has a few broken ribs and her leg is broken. alyssa though is worse. she has three ribs cracked, a nasty cut on her head. Her ankle is a broken, but the worst is that she is in a coma and nobody knows if she will ever wake up. Im sittin here in the room that she is in. im alone and all i am doing is staring at her and holding her hand, praying that she will wake up. And soon.

i kissed her forhead and i dont dare to sleep. I wont sleep until my gummy bear is safe and ok.

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