Chapter 9

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Blake's POV

Matt called me later that night and he told me everything. I think it's really cute ad stuff. I'm kinda upset still because we're leaving. I'm happy that we m get to go but what if alyssa finds a new guy or something. What am I saying? I shouldn't care. She's my best friend, that's it. She will never feel the same way about me.

I look up to the ceiling as I lay on Alyssa's bed with her in my arms. She is so cute. I wish I could just kiss her. But I can't...she doesn't like me like that. She never will.

Natalie's POV

I woke up from my alarm clock. I got up to take a shower and went into the bathroom. I started playing some music and I sang to it.

I walk into my bed room with only my towel on and I find cole staring at me from my bed. He was just siting there with his dark jeans and blue t-shirt. God he did look hot right now.

"Cole get out!" I screamed

"I'm in my towel" I said softer

"I know" he says looking at me

"Just leave"

"No, I want to ask you something"

"Alright" I said

Thank god my parent are not home right now.

"I uh..uh..we are all going to stay at Blake's house next week on Monday, so that we can uh be together before we all leave."

"Oh, ok" I said a little disappointed

In really going to miss cole. He is so sweet and me as him have been texting non stop since I met him.

"Don't be sad nat. I know your going to miss me you will be alright"

"I won't miss you" I said

Yes I will. I lied to him

"Lies, lies lie" he says

He walked up closer to me and hugged me. Ok I wasn't ready for that. I pushed him back because I was still in a towel. When he back up he took the towel with him. I ran behind my bed so he couldn't see me. I don't think he did see me. Thank god

"Cole! Get out!" I screamed

"Ok babe. Bye!"

He walked out and closed the door. I started to get changed and then I wet back to sleep. No way I'm getting up now.

alyssa POV

"Blake" I whispered

I was in his arms still on my bed. I dot want him to leave. Please just stay.

"Yes, gummy bear"

"I told the girls and the guys that on Monday they can come over and we can spend our last night with everyone."

"Ok, good idea"

I snuggled closer to him and he kissed my head. He acts like he loves me so much more then a friend, but does he? Can't he just come out and tell me if he does!?!? Whatever, all I know is that I'm in love with him. And when he leaves he'll is going to be broke loose.

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