Chapter 4

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I woke up wrapped in someone's arms. At first I thought t was Blake, but then I looked over at the person and it wasn't him. I screamed not knowing what was going on.

"Alyssa, calm down its just me" my friend Stephanie said.

"But you scared me steph, I almost killed you!"

"Whatever just get up"

"Wait why are you here?"

"Blake told me and skyler to come over"

"Oh, ok. Where is she"

" I'm right here!!" Sky said as she came into the room.

"Well hello" I say while I laughing

"Go shower alys" Stephanie said

"Alright, meet you downstairs. Oh and did Blake's mom leave?" I ask

"Uh yeah I think" skyler said

"Ok, meet me down stairs"

I walked into Blake's bathroom and locked the door. I started getting undress and turned the water on. I finally jumped in.

When I finished I wrapped a towel around me and headed to the guest room. Which I guess was my room for now. I'm not going to stay here forever, I will probably get a job soon and start my life. A life with out family. Blake, Stephanie and skyler where my family. But they will want me gone soon.

I walked in the room and I went to find my suit case. I tripped over it instead and finally got to look in it. Everything was gone. I looked everywhere and couldn't fid them. Maybe Blake knew where they were. I walked down stairs with my towel around. I found Blake on his lap top in the kitchen. I tapped is shoulder and he turned around.

"Oh, damn. I forgot. My mom was washing all your clothes before she left. I guess she forget. I will finish it but first come with me. You can wear something if mine."

"Ok thanks"

I followed him up stairs to his room and he handed me a pair of his boxers which I rolled up so they fit me. I still had my under wear and bra so I just needed shorts and a shirt. He gave me a shirt that said "koalas are evil". That's been my favorite t-shirt for so long now.

"I know it's your favorite" he said when handing it to me.


"No problem gummy bear"

"I'm going to go get changed. Wait where sky and Stephanie?"

"They went home to get ready for the party at jaydens house"

"Oh alright then, I'm going t go get changed. Thanks again"

With that I waked away to get changed. Once I was done getting changed I walked down stairs to find Blake sitting on the couch with Sophia. His bitchy,Bimbo girlfriend.

Blake tuned around and smiled at me.

Blake's POV

" where going to the party right?" Sophia asked.

"Uh you can I'm not" I answered

"Why babe"

"I have to stay with alyssa, she needs me"

Sophia was hot as hell but nothing compared to alyssa. Alyssa was perfect in every way possible.

"Whatever, I left the dress on your bed so she can wear it"

I then knew alyssa was behind me. I turned around and smiled at her. She looked at Sophia and she had so much hate towards her. She never liked her. It's been five years if this.

"Uh hey blake....sophia" alyssa says a little harsh.

"Well I'm going now. And your welcome alyssa" Sophia then left out the door.

Alyssa sat down beside me on the couch in front of the tv.

" I didn't know if you maybe wanted to go to the party tonight. I didn't think so but I wasn't sure."

"Uh it's Sunday today though."

"Alys it's summer break, there's party's ever night."

"Ok fine, I will come but please promise me that f I want to go we can just leave" she asked me kinda looking sad

"Ok deal"

She then hugged me ad started crying. I didn't have to ask her why was wrong I already know. It's been hard for her. She has only lived with me for about a month now and that whole time she just stayed in her room.

I rubbed small circles on her back to sooth her. She kissed my cheek and fell asleep in my arms. God I love this girl. She's everything I need. All I need is her in my arms and I'm happy. Hopefully one day she will know how much I love her. She's my best friend, and I'm in love with her.

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