Chapter 26

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Stephanie's pov:

I was just picking out some shoes to go with my outfit when the doorbell rang. "One minute" I called out as I slipped my black flats on. I then opened the door to reveal Tyler.

Well, the reason we left Alyssa and Blake's place early was because we were going on a date. Tyler wouldn't tell me where yet, just said to wear something simple. I've been asking him all day where, but I can't even get a hint out of him! And I know I should of told Alyssa about this, she's my best friend after all and I will...just not now.

"Hey, r u ready?" he asked


"You look really nice by the way" he said

"Oh thanks, you look pretty good yourself" I said, blushing

As I locked the door I glanced at the driveway. No car, maybe he parked on the side of the road I thought. I slipped my keys into my pocket along with my iPhone, when I noticed Tyler had a basket in one hand.

Next, when I was attempting to walk down the porch steps, the bow on my flats got stuck in a crack in the concrete. You could probably guess what happened next. I tripped and almost fell face first onto the concrete. Luckily Tyler caught me. Once I retained my balance I started giggling. He gave me a confused look.

"We barely made it past the drive way and someone already almost died..." I explained

"The koalas are to blame" I continued

"Do you and Alyssa blame them for everything?" He asked while smiling.

"Of course, what other explanation is there?"

He rolled his light brown eyes, before leading the way to wherever we were going.


After about ten minutes of walking Tyler said"okay now look to your right". I turned instantly to see the park, but it wasn't just the usual park. On the many trees were lanterns. The Sun had just set, so it looked amazing.

I burst into a smile"this is amazing" I said.

" really, don't lie" said Tyler

"Seriously, this is great"

He then took my hand and led me under the trees where he spread out a blanket he took from the basket. We sat down and I just took everything in. This has to be a dream, too good to be true.

Blake's POV

Me and alyssa were all cuddled up together when I got a phone call.

"Uh hello" I said still holding alyssa with my other arm.

"Hello, this is your old high school calling" I think that was mrs elmosti talking.

"Uh hello" I said

"We are informing you that prom will be happening this week, Friday at 6:00."

"Isn't it kinda late for that. It's been a whole summer since school ended."

"Yes, but your year didnt get a prom, since what happened to the principle."

"Oh alright"

"Ok well try to tell your friends. I am calling every some other students"

"Ok good by sir"

"Blake, since when did you call me sir? Your and adult now and it's not like I got any respect before."

"Oh, sorry about that" I said

"It's alright Blake. Oh and how's alyssa?" He said as I smiled at alyssa

"I love her"

"Oh we all knew that. I am expecting a wedding invitation."


"Good bye blake"

I hung up the phone and looked at alyssa. I kissed her forehead as she was now sleeping. She is going to love prom. We never got a prom because our principle died from a heart attack a week before. We decided that it wouldn't be right.

It was sad but, we will always remember him. He always used to bust me on my famous pranks. Speaking of pranks......I looked at alyssa. IDEA!!!

I ran to the kitchen not wanting to wake up alyssa. I grabbed the peanut butter and the little gummy bears we had. I went over to alyssa and spread the peanut butter on her face everywhere. I then placed a few gummy bears on her cheeks and forehead. I placed one on her nose. I am such an evil GENUIS. These are the perks of being in love with your best friend. I started laughing way to hard and she woke up.

"Hey beautiful" I said laughing

"Wha-" she then touched her cheek.

"BLAKE" she screamed.

She jumped on top if me and sat there.

"Alyssa" I said nicely


"Please" I said




"yes" I screamed

"Fine. She then kissed me and rubbed her face on me. Now a the peanut butter was on both of our faces.

"Rude!!" I said

"I know babe"

"Come her" I said grabbing my phone.

She sat down beside me knowing that I was going to click the picture.

"Just smile blake" she said

"Ok, fine" I said looking upset

She took the phone so she could take the picture of us.



"Thre-" I licked her face and she clicked the button taking the photo.

I looked at the picture of us. Both in peanut butter and me licking her face. Weren't we just a special couple?

"I like that better then a normal picture"

"Babe, were not normal" I said

"I know"

I kissed her lightly and she smiled on my lips. I did the same.


Stephanie's pov:

I woke up to the feeling of something crawling up my arm.

"AHHH KOALA!" I shrieked before whatever was on my arm scurried away.

"What, oh no just a squirrel" Tyler said half awake, with a smile tugging a the corners of his lips.

He then leaned in and held me while my breathing evened out.

"Oh...oops" I said giggling along with him. I was now becoming more awake and realized where we were and remembered last night. Did we fall asleep at the park? Luckily no one was around this early to notice us...and wait yes now it's all coming back.


After hours of talking and running around the park, we finally collapsed onto the grass, both exhausted.

"Stephanie?" Tyler asked

"Yea" I replied curiously

"I love you" he said...


Authors note!

My best friend wrote this. Yeah that's it!!




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