Chapter 6

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Did I just get that right? He just said he loved me. He always says that but as a friendly way. He is also drunk right now and so am I. Should I just shrug it off? Yup good plan alyssa.

He stares at me. I look back at him and laugh. He starts laughing too. Ok thank god it was just him being stupid.

"Alyssa, lets go home" he slurred.

"Your not driving, and I can't do it" I say

He looks like he is thinking. Then suddenly the door opens and there is Natalie holding sky and another girl.

I start laughing because Natalie really did look like the responsible and I thought that before too. She's not drunk at all and looks a little frustrated.

"There drunk" she says

She throws then on the bed and they are a little startled.

"You know sky, and that's nahomie" she tells me.

Blake is now petty them on there head. Oh dear god, please help us.


Since me and Natalie are the only ones who know what's going on we start laughing. Then the music stops playing and we hear someone scream "COPS ARE HERE" we could really get arrested for this.

Where's Stephanie, I ask myself. I run down staires and there she is, on the kitchen table dancing like a mad woman. She looks like a complete retard but god this is so funny. I walk over to her and look at her.

"Steph my dear, come on get down" I say nicely.

"No" she says firmly but is laughing

"I will give you my stuffed monkey for a week"

"Deal!" She says

Se climbs off the table and I help her. I then carry her to the room where everyone else is. It is now me, Stephanie, Natalie, nahomie, sky Blake, and jay. How did he get in here? And why is cuddled up with nahomie? Oh gosh whatever. Tomorrow we will find out. For now since everyone is sleeping, I guess I'm staying here too. I fall asleep on the floor and use Blake's arm as my pillow. Stephanie is now sleeping with everyone else. I just stair up at the ceiling, then to Blake. Why would he say that? He's my best friend. He won't even remember it happened so lets jut not say it again.

I finally wake up and my head is killing. I didn't to drunk last night. Only a little so I should be fine. I see everyone sleeping on the floor. Sky and Stephanie are cuddled with each other. That's normal for them. And there not gay or anything it's just how they are. Blake is on the floor alone. Natalie is in the closet now sleeping. And nahomie and jay are...sleeping together. Uh ok, well since they will be hooked up by next week might as well leave them all alone.

I just sit on the bottom of the bed and I look around the room. Then Blake got up and sat next to me.

"Uh, what happened last night?" He asked

Everything he said to me came into my head.

"Oh, we kinda got drunk and all of us ended up in here." I say

Blake looks at jay and nahomie.

"There so cute together" he says while smiling.

"I know, they just met each other and look at them"

"Shall we wake these guys up?" He said with a evil grin.

"Always" I answer

Ten minutes later me and Blake found hair horns. We went into the room that everyone else is in. We blow the horns and it goes off. I was even a little taken off guard by how loud it was.

Everyone woke up ad looked at us with so much anger. They shook it off and laughed because it was there fault for falling asleep. When everyone was fully up, we all took a Advil and had some water.

Natalie had the idea of playing truth or dare. We decided to play and we all say in a circle in the room. I hate playing truth or dare. I always end up without a shirt in the end. This should be fun...

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