Chapter 32

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Ok so the question is out.


Ok story time!


Today's the day. I'm leaving to Italy. The thought of leaving makes me feel sick.

"Alyssa your going to be fine" Ryan says

"I'm leaving Stephanie...she hasn't even woken up yet..." I said

"It's alright. I will call you as soon as she wakes up. I promise You"

He kissed my forehead and smiled at me. Now me and Ryan are not together. I'm actually confused on what we are. Ryan was my first love. But Blake is.....Blake. He's my bestfriend.

I have been staying at Ryan's house since me and Blake's fight. He hasn't called me once or texted or anything. Maybe he just doesn't care anymore...

Me and Ryan were on his bed just talking. I was laying down and Ryan was beside me snuggled up to me. His arm was around my waist holding me close and my head was on his chest.

"What shod I Do?" I asked him

"About what?"

"About Blake and you.."

"I want you to say you don't love him, but I can't make you say that."

"I don't know if I do love him anymore"

"He hasn't called me, or texted me."

"He texted me."

"Saying what?!"

"He asked if you were with me and I said yes, then he said take care of her and stuff."


"Alyssa he loves you"

"To late for that. I'm leaving now."

"Yeah we gotta go actually"


About two hours later I was at the air port waiting for my flight to come. Ryan stayed with me the whole time. I didn't let go of his hand.

"Your going to be fine" he said

"I know that, but...I don't want to leave Blake. And Stephanie"

"Alyssa look at me. Everything will work out ok. You will see Blake and Stephanie soon. I will fly out to Italy at any given time just to make sure your safe and happy."

He kissed me but I didn't kiss him back.

Then I heard on the P.A system

"All passengers on the 3:00 plane ride to Italy may now board the plane"

"Ryan...don't leave me"

"You will be ok. I promise"

I let go of his hand slowly

"Bye" I said and handed the lady my ticket.

I walked into the tunnel of the plan when I heard my name being called.

"ALYSSA WAIT!" Blake screamed

I tried running back but another man held me back.

"Ma'am get on the plan now!" He yelled

"No please wait!"

"Alyssa, I love you..." Blake said

Before I was pushed onto the plane and trapped in there for 9 hours.

So the question in my head the whole plane trip was.......

Blake or Ryan?

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