Chapter 11

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Alyssa POV

I woke up in Blake's arm. It is now 2:30 in the morning we all need to get up. Plane leaves at like 4:30. I wake up Blake and make my way down stairs with Blake behind me. Everyone is already at the door and ready. Wow that was fast. I thought they were going to take hours to get up. Maybe they didn't sleep. I know I didn't. I just starred at Blake and hoped that one day he would know.

"Ok, time to go boys" Matt says

Natalie kissed cole and then sky and Matt hugged ad started kissing. Nahomie and jay were by the cars loading it with the luggage. Then they kissed. Tyler went to Stephanie and hugged her a little. He whispered something into her ear ad she blushed. I never thought Tyler could be dirty.

I turned to Blake and he picked me up ad hugged me. I was going to let go but he didnt so I enjoyed it more. He kissed my head and told me to not get hurt, and watch out for any koalas coming. I wonder why he said that. Whatever.

"Don't get anyone pregnant guys" I said

"Yeah about that...Stephanie said".

Everyone looked at her in shock. Tyler looked so in happy right now.

"IM KIDDING" she said

Everyone laughed and Tyler relaxed a little. I hugged Blake one last time and they all headed out into the limo that waits for them on the road. This is going t be hard. They were leaving for a month. In that month everything could change.

They all got into the limo, and started driving. Then the limo stopped and Blake got out of the car. He walks towards me.

"What did you forget" I asked

Blake's POV

"What did you forget" she asked

"I forgot to do this"

I kissed her straight on the lips and she melted into my arms. She kissed me back and I knew she loved me.

"I love you alyssa" then I walked back into the limo and we drove away, leaving all the girls at the house.

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