Chapter 2

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Me and Blake are now on his floor with pillows and blankets everywhere. We may have gotten into a pretty big pillow fight. Ok...maybe a mattress fight. I still won so whatever. I picked the movie "the last song". Blake hates it but that's what he gets for letting me pick. That idiot.

Blake sits down beside me and puts his arm around me. I put my head on his chest. This wasn't weird for us. We do this all the time.

We started watching the movie and half hour later I was asleep in Blake's arms.

Blake's POV

She was fast asleep in my arms. I'm not going to lie I loved it. Every time we touched I felt sparks. It's been like that since we were 13. But I'm never telling her that.

The door slammed open to my mother standing in the door crying. Before I could even ask what happened, she said the words that will not only change my life but also Alyssa's.

"Alyssa's parents are dead"


"The truck came right at them"

My mom looked at alyssa and frowned a little.

"That poor girl, Blake tell her when she wakes up and we will see what happens from there"

"Ok mom"

My mom left the room closing the door behind her. Finally alyssa wakes up and smiles at me.

"Blake, what's wrong"

"Uh, we'll you see, uh"

I couldn't tell her but I knew I had to. But what if she has to go away from here. What am I saying that's so selfish of me. But she has to go with her family right. Wait she has no family. Now what?

"Blake what's wrong" se asked me looking very scared and confused.

"It's your parents babe"

I told her everything. It wasn't easy and she kept crying. She went to go see my mom. My mother explained everything to her.

Alyssa's POV

Blake's mom Told me everything. Blake was holding my hand the whole time and he was crying with me. My parents got hit by a drunk driver, driving a truck. They were gone forever. With that I started crying again. I hate crying. It makes me look weak, but I am weak right now. I felt arms around me as my feet were not touching the ground any more. Blake carried me to his room and laid me on his bed. He went beside me and held me until I fell asleep. My parents were dead. What now? I have no family. No aunts, cousins, grandparents. My grand parents passed away when I was five. I didn't really know them because they lived in California. And I'm here alone, in Canada. But I have Blake with me. He will help me, he always does.

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