Chapter 21

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Blake's mom/ Linda POV

Me and my husband just got back from china. We were supposed to be back at the end of the year, but we have some special news to tell Blake.

I walked into Blake's room and found alyssa and Blake sleeping together all cuddled up. They were on the floor and alyssa was in Blake's arms.

"HUNNY, get my camera!!" I yelled.

Blake's POV

I woke up to my mother screaming something about a camera. I opened my eyes and saw my mom standing there taking a picture of me and alyssa. I was holding her right to my chest. I pulled the blanket over her more, reminding her that she did have a shirt on. She understood when I did it.

My dad was also starting at us and looked a bit mad.

"Son, you could have at least done it on the bed..and you guys had protection right." He said

"Dad we didnt do anything" I said

"Good, alyssa is like my daughter."

"Oh hush up Rick." My mom said.

My dad walked out of the room leaving just me alyssa and my mom.

"Mom why are you guys here?" I asked her.

"We have some news to tell you. Get ready and come downstairs, we will talk about it at dinner."

"Ok I will wake alyssa up" I said smiling.

My mom walked out of the room. Alyssa was still fast asleep and in my arms. I shook her lightly and her eyes opened. They were light brown. Like hazel, but in the morning her eyes were a shade of light green. I loved her eyes.

I walked down stairs and I saw my mom cooking. I kissed her on the cheek.

"How was your trip" I asked her

"It went very well. We missed you though. Oh and I forgot to ask, is alyssa uh going to move out on her own soon."

"Uh I'm not sure, why?"

"Oh just wondering" she was acting a little weird. I wonder why.

I say at the table and saw my dad come down the stairs with alyssa. She was wearing light blue jeans with a grey t shirt. She looked really nice, even when she didnt try to.

We all say Down and started eating.

"So about the news?" I asked.

"Well me and your father got a little promotion at work." My mom told me

She smiled.

"So alyssa, you said you were moving out next year? Am I right?"

"Well uh, uh, I um" alyssa didn't know what she was going to say.

"Uh alyssa is working on it." I told my parents

"Well that's wonderful" my father said.

"Blake, we are moving to Paris." My mom said suddenly.

"Wha-" I was cut off by my mother again.

"Since you are going to the university there, I thought it would e perfect."

Alyssa was drinking and she spurt it out everywhere.

"Your what Blake?" She was frowning

"Alyssa, it's just-"

Alyssa run out if the room and went up stairs.

"You didn't tell her?" My mom asked.

"No, I didn't because I knew this would happen. Thanks mom"

I walked up stairs after alyssa, and I knew, what was about to happen...was not going to end well.

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