Chapter 16

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Alyssa's POV

Remember how I said that I could eat everything? Well I can't now. It's all black. I'm scared I'm dead right now. It's creepy. There's to much time to think. I think about everything right now. I think about my parents and I think about how much I want to be with Blake. He doesn't want that though. He wants to be friends and I guess I have to deal with that. I think it's been about a month since it happened, I'm not sure though. Everything is kinda a blur. I'm scarred. What f I never get out of this. What if I just die like this. Is death really like this? I stopped thinking because I suddenly felt a bunch of pain in my ribs and ankle. I have felt pain or anything in a while so I'm ok with this. I could almost feel my body work again. I think I was waking up.

Blake's POV

She started to move. I saw her hand move. Her eyes started opening and I ran to her side. I held her hand.

"Alyssa, come on. Wake up. Alyssa please" I said almost crying.

No one is even here, just me and her. They all are starting to loose hope that she will ever wake up. Not Stephanie though. She has never lost hope. She just has a lot going on for her right now.

Alyssa's eyes opened ad started right into mine.

"Hi" she could kinda say. She pointed at the water and I handed it to her. She drank that whole thing so fast.

"Your awake" I smiled

"I guess I am" she said

I hugged her so tight and she screamed.

"I'm so sorry I forgot about that." I said

" about what" she asked me

" oh you broke a couple of ribs and your ankle."

She looked down at her ankle. Then at me.

"Well this sucks" she laughed

I laughed with her then the doctor walked in.

"Oh good your awake. I was just about to say that we might have to just pull the plug but your awake. That's good." The doctor said

Me and alyssa both looked scared and confused.

She held my hand tighter.

" oh sorry to scare you, it's not going to happen sweety it's fine. Your boyfriend might kill me if we ever tried that."

" I'm not her boyfriend. Like I said before" I told her

"Oh you will, trust me" the doctor says as she walks out.

"Can I go home" Alyssa's asked me.

" not yet" I told her

"Fine but don't leave me"

"I havnt left this building in over a month. Trust me I'm not leaving you"

" thank you" she said

We have to stay at the hospital for another two weeks. It's going to suck but we are together so we will have fun. Oh and for some reason everyone is out if sight and no one is answering there phones. We can't find them. It's getting weird now.

"Blake" alyssa asked


"go home and shower and stuff"

" you just told me not to leave you though"

" I know but you look terrible"

"Fine, but don't leave this bed"

"Deal, now go."

I left and went home to clean up.

Alyssa's POV

When Blake left I was kinda bored. I couldn't do anything. I wasn't aloud to move so I just sat there on the bed praying that someone would come and see me.

I heard footsteps coming towards my room that the hospital is letting me stay in. I thought it was Blake, but it wasn't. It was my ex boyfriend, Ryan. Well this should be interesting. Last time I saw him, was when he practically beat me to death. He left me at the side of the road after he beat me and then he left me there. I wonder what he will do now? Blake please come back.

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