Chapter 33

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I woke up to screaming and crying. I was still on the plane but I felt as if I was falling. OMG I was falling. The plane was crashing. What do I do? I put in my life vest and went to the opened door of the plane. It's so far down.... I looked at the water below me and I jumped.

I hit the water and went underneath. I swam up for air then started to swim. I swam to shore and then I passed out on the sand, with the empty beach. I was all alone.



"Mom?" I asked

"Oh hey honey" she pretended she wasn't crying

"Why are you crying?" I asked her

I was only about 13.

"Sweety, your grandma was in the hospital and she took a trip to go see god."

I hugged my mom so tight.

"I'm old enough to know what happened mom" I said

"She had a heart attack sweetie, but it's ok, she's in a very special place. Now go back to your room and play a little"

"Ok mom" I said and ran away crying a little.

I ran to my room and sat at my window.

"Alyssa, what's wrong?" Blake asked me from his window.

I didn't answer him. I didn't even look up at him. My grandma was the best person in my life. She told me story's and promised to always care for me. She talked about boys with me and she told me about how grandpa was always making jokes.

"Alys, come over please" Blake asked me

I got up and walked threw my window and climbed the branch that leaded to his window. He helped me into his room.

"My grandma.. Is dead."

"I'm so sorry" he hugged me.

I cried into his shirt and now it was all wet. Even when Blake was 13 he was still good looking.

"You know I will always be with you right? No matter where on the earth we were I will be with you and make sure your safe."

"Thanks blake"

He hugged me closer and then kissed my cheek. For Blake at 13, that was a big move for him to do. He was so shy.

*dream ended*

I woke up and looked into the sky. It was starting to become dark.

I started to walk a little and found a little door. Ok I'm scared...

I opened the door and saw a magical place. It was like a tree house. I stepped in and found a bed. Because I was so tired I laid in it and fell asleep.

I woke up to a shinning sun light coming in from a window. This "tree house" is amazing. It even has food and water here. Maybe someone was here before me. It has to be. This can't be man made. It's to well made. It's fantastic. I looked around a bit and a ate a banana. Yummy!!

I walked into the jungle and then saw a tiger! It was looking right at me!

But then I heard "ma'am, please get up ma'am"

I then opened my eyes and I was back on the plane, looking at a lady who had woken me up.

"Night mare?" She asked

"Uh kinda" I said

I got my luggage and got off the plane.

I waited at the front for my ride.

"ALYSSA!" My aunt screamed

She ran to me and hugged me so tight.

"Can't...breath" I gasped for air when she let go.

"Come on. We need to get home and get you un packed!"

"Ok let's go!"

Ten minutes later we were at a small little green house.

"And this is your room" she said opening a door to a small but pretty room. The walls her a dark purple and the bed was a small little mattress on the floor.

"Sorry sweetie, it's been hard with the cancer and stuff to get money."

"Don't be sorry! I love it" I hugged her so tight.

About an hour later I was left alone in the house because my aunt had to go out for a little.

I sat on my small bed and opened up my lap top. I went on twitter for a bit and saw the cutest tweet ever.

From: BlakeXx

"She's a angel, but isn't my angel"

As soon as I saw that I called him.

"Alyssa?" He Asked in his sleepy voice

"What re you doing sleeping!?" I yelled

"It's 3:40 here alyssa..."

"I'm so sorry"

"I'm sorry alyssa. im such a moron. I love you so much. Please forgive me."

"Blake I love you to. But we can't be together. I'm here now. In Italy. And I'm not coming back. I can't. I have to stay with my family."

"I understand. Good night" just like that he hung up on me.

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