Chapter 7

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So Natalie wanted to go first for truth or dare. We were all in a circle and I was beside Blake. Nahomie was on jays lap. Which by the way I have no idea what's going on with them two. I will figure t out later. Natalie was on the other side of me. And sky and Stephanie were across from me.

"Ok truth or dare jay" Natalie asked him.

"Truth!" He screamed

"What happened last night with you and nahomie"

"Lets just say, she changed my life forever."

He kissed nahomie and that kinda turned into a full out make out session....infront of us.

I threw a pillow at them to make them stop and they did and sat back down.

"Ok my turn" jay said

He looked at Blake then at me, then at Blake then back to me. He stopped at Blake again.

"Blake, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Blake answered

"Ok, I dare you to steal Alyssa's shirt"

Jay laughed. Blake looked at me and was a little taken back.

"Fine" I said very angry

I started taking me shirt off. But then jay stopped me.

"No, Blake has to take it off for you" jay says

Blake put his hands on the bottom of my shirt and took it off. His fingers followed as he touched me skin. It feels like there is a bunch of nice feeling on my skin right now. That sounds really wrong but it's true. I think I'm actually falling for Blake. I mean I have alway but never wanted it to show.

Blake now has my shirt in his hand and he put it behind him. He picked me up and put me on his lap so that no one could see me. It's like he didnt want any one to see me, jut him.

"My turn" Blake screamed

"Ok ok, don't hurt anyone" I joked

"Ok, sky. Truth or dare?"

"Truth" she answered

"Do you like Matt" he asked

"Uh..uh..yes" she sighed

Matt is a guy in Blake's band. In the band it is jay, Blake, Matt, cole, and Tyler. Only me, sky and Stephanie know them. Since the practice in Blake's basement we just watch them. It's not creepy, we got invited.

"I knew it!!!" I screamed

"We all known it" everyone said but me and sky at the same time.

Then Blake's phone rang. He got up and went to the hallway.

Blake's POV

"Hello" I answered

"Hello Blake, this is mrs. Santaluce. From the Miami show tunes awards. We saw your band preform last week ad we would love it if you guys go on a little tour. It's almost like a world tour, but not as nearly as big. It should take about a month to pack everything up."

"Uh, we would be happy to!" I answered him

"Wonderful" I will come over one day and we can all talk about the details. With the rest of the boys too"

"That would be lovely, thank you sir"

"Oh, dont worry about it. We're here to help you all start your lives"

"Ok good bye sir"

"Bye bye blake"

I hang up the phone and went into the room. Not even saying a word about it. By the end of the game alyssa was still topless and was sitting on my lap. I was hiding her small adorable body from everyone. That's mine. What am I saying? She's my best friend.

Alyssa's POV

I was sitting on Blake's lap and it was like he was hiding me from everything ad everybody. I was wrapped up in his arms and legs. His arms were wrapped around me and were cover me completely from everyone. It felt awesome. It ft amazing when he touched me. Wait, what am I say? He's my bestfriend.

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