Chapter 19

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Thank god that was over. I feel so used and Just AHH I want to just scream and cry right now. He left me in the same room and Ryan let Blake out of the ropes. It was just me and Blake in the room now, not even looking at each other. I had no clothes on. Ryan took them all. Blake stood up and walked over to me.

"Here" he said as he took his shirt off and gave it to me. God those abbs...

"Uh thanks" I put the shirt over me but I still felt like I wasn't covered.

"Alys, I'm so sorry. I should of helped you. I just couldn't get out. Every time I moved it felt like the ropes got tighter and I couldn't breath. I'm sorry alyssa." He was almost crying.

I didn't talk, I didn't want to at all. He went to hug me but I flinched. I don't want anyone touching me. Every again.

"Alys-" he got cut off by Ryan coming inside the room with my clothes. He threw them at me and it hit me in the face. Blake got up and went to punch him but all of Ryan's "people" where there and where holding Blake down.

Ryan went to me and played with my hair. I just looked at the wall not even blinking. Blake looked so angry and so frustrated with everyone. Ryan went to kiss me and he did but Blake got away from the "people" and pushed Ryan away. Blake grabbed onto me and held me not wanting to let go.

"You can leave. Your friends were set away last night. Here's your phones" he threw our phones to us and we got sent out.

Me and Blake were now at the front of his house. He won't talk to me and I rather not talk to him.

He opened the door and I went straight to my room. I locked the door and sat by the bed, and cried. I know Blake can hear me, but I don't care. My phone started ringing and I knew it was Stephanie.

"Ello" I said

"Alyssa, calm down we are safe. I'm at my aunts house in New York. She can home last night and I told her everything. I didn't want to go but I had no choice. All the others went to nahomie's beach house in Florida. They knew you might need some time so they left." She told me

"Ok, I will cya later steph. Be safe"

"I will see you in three weeks" she said

"Bye" I hung up and put my phone on my bed.

The door open slightly and Blake was standing there with a bag of carrots and a plate of curly fries. He knows my favourite's.

He put the plate beside meo n my bed and he started walking out, but before he could leave I grabbed his hand and made him sit Down beside me. I hugged on to him for what seems like hours.

"Gummy bear, I'm here and your safe with me." He whispered on my ear and then kissed my head. He went to get up but I didn't let him.

"I'm not leaving I'm just going to go get the food" he told me.

"Oh, then in that case...get the food" I told him laughing

He got up and grabbed the plate. He put if between us on the bed and we started eating. I ate most of it but I let Blake have some.

"How did you know that was my favourite? I havnt told anyone that. Every"

"Grade 7 we were at the tree house by the lake and we were playing 21 questions. I asked you that question and you told me. Curly fries with carrots. I won't every forget that. I remembered everything about you alyssa. Your my other half. I love you so much. And I always will. Your my bestfriend but I'm in love with you. Everything about you, to the way you laugh, to the way you smile, to the way you always do your cute little British accent. I love it. I love it all alyssa. I love you."

I clapped my hands.

"What book did you get that from? I asked him laughing.

"Alyssa, shut up" he said

Then he kissed me. I kissed him back and from that Moment I knew, I really was in love with him. I'm his best friend. And I love him.



I know that sounded like the end but it's not! There's way more but I really need you guys to tell me if this is good. I really have no idea if t is or not. Please just comment and say the word!




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