Chapter 27

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I woke up in my warm and soft bed. I went to go see if Blake was beside me but he wasn't. Maybe he went to go gets some food. I was about to fall asleep when the door bell rang. I got up slowly and went to open the door. I opened it and there he was, Ryan. I slammed the door ad locked it right away. I called Blake right away and it went to voice mail.

"Blake, come home! He's here" I yelled into the phone.

I could hear Ryan yelling from outside the door.

"Let me explain alyssa, it was Sophia! She made me do it and she forced me or she would hurt my girlfriend Julia, and our little baby. She's not even born yet. Please alyssa. Understand. I'm sorry" he cried

After hours of him repeating that, I opened the door and he walked in. I hugged him right away. I know what he did was bad but I understood the pain he is feeling.

"I'm sorry" I said

"No no, I'm sorry. I messed up your life"

"Actually after what happens it got better, me and Blake are together now"

"We all saw that one coming" he said

After hours of talking Blake ran into the house and tackled Ryan to the floor and punched him.

"BLAKE STOP!" I yelled

He punched him again not hearing me.

"Ok I deserved that one" Ryan said

"Stop Blake!" I yelled

"What" he asked confused

Me and Ryan explained everything to him and he understood.

"Sophia killed your friends..." Ryan said quietly

"WHAT" I yelled

"Here" he said

He handed me a picture of all of our friends....dead on the floor...

Nahomie, jay, sky, Matt, Natalie, and cole.

I instantly started to cry and Blake hugged me and kissed my head from behind.

"How?" I asked still crying

"Sophia" Ryan said

I cried harder...

"I have an idea, if your up for it." Ryan said

"What is it" I wiped my tears away.

"You go and talk to Sophia bad get her to admit she killed them, then we record it. She goes to jail..."

"No, she might get hurt" Blake said

"I'll do it" I said

Blake looked at me and I knew he didn't want me to do this.

"Please alyssa" blake asked

"I'm Doing it" I said

After a while of telling Blake I would be fine, he agreed.

"Ok, so I called Sophia and she said tomorrow at 3:45. Remember I am pretending to be on her side and I told her that she will get up to go to the bathroom, then I will come in and kidnap you. So when I'm supposed to take you. We just leave with our information and it's done with" Ryan said

"Ok, sounds good" I said

We watched tv, just me, Blake and Ryan for a good two hours when Blake said he forgot to get the food because he panicked and ran home. He forgot the car there...

Note to self, never call Blake if your getting murdered. He won't come in time.

Blake left leaving only me and Ryan on the couch.

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