Chapter 25

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Me, Blake, Stephanie and Tyler were now all me and Blake's empty apartment. We were sitting on the floor wondering what the hell happened. It was now the morning.

"Read the note again" Blake said.

"Alright. The note says.....can't come home. We got stuck here and we will not be coming back for many years. Don't try calling or texting. Good bye"

"Wow" Tyler said

"I know" Stephanie said.

"So what now?" I asked

"We wait" Blake said

"But, we have to find them" I said

"No alyssa. Once we do that stuff will get worst."

"Ok fine" I said.

I don't want to just leave them, but I know Blake's right about this. We just have to wait it out.

"Stephanie, we gotta go" Tyler says

"Ok let's go" Stephanie said

"Bye" I said

They left and closed the door behind them.

"Shall we start painting?" Blake asked me

"Yeah" I said

A couple hours later we were finished painting. I was so tired.

I suddenly felt a cold liquid going down my back.

"BLAKE" I screamed

"You look good in green." He said

I pored red paint over his head and he then picked me up and threw me into the pick bucket of paint we had. Only my but fell into it but then he pored more onto me.

After our "little" paint fight we headed home to Blake's house to shower. I showered and then got dressed. I started packing all of our things into our luggage to bring to the apartment. All the furniture that we had bought. Well Blake's parents bought. Was at the apartment and was set up. Blake then came into my room.

"You ready?" He asked

"Yeah, lets go"

We both got into Blake's car and drove to the apartment. When we got there I in packed all the clothes and decorations. I went into the living too to get Blake to reach something for me because I'm to short but he was sleeping there. I walked up to him and smiled. Blake then grabbed my waist and made me lay down beside him. We both fell asleep.

I woke up and I was confused at we're i was at first, then I noticed that I was home. My real home. Blake was still sleeping and he looks so cute when he sleeps. His eyes fluttered opened and started right into mine.

"Your creeping me out alys. Your just starring at me"

I started laughing and so did he.

"I'll always be your stalker"

"I know babe, I know."

He kissed my forehead and then smiled at me.

"What if the zombie apocalypse happened right now" I asked

"I would die happy" he said

"I would beat the shit out of all those fuckers."

"Even if I turned?"


"Wow, your hard core." He said

"I know" I laughed a little.

"I love you" he said

"I love you to"

"No, alyssa you have no idea how much I love you. The thought if you leaving me scares me. With out you there's no me. I would die by the thought if loosing you. You need to understand that I fucken love you"

"Wow" I said

"I know, I don't even know we're that came from."

I kissed him lightly and he kissed me back.

"Sorry for not taking your side about finding everyone else."

"You were right. We need to wait"

"I just, what if they are hurt..." He asked

"I know, I'm scared too. But we have to wait."

"Ok" he kissed my cheek.

"Now, I'm going to our room to sleep. Bye"

I walked to our room and jumped onto the bed and slept.

Blake's POV

Alyssa went to our room to sleep a little. She deserves a break. She does so much for me and for everyone. I really do love her. Wow. Those words never get old. Every time I say it, it's like I said it the first time. When we were sitting on her bed and I just said it.

I walked past the kitchen and to our room but I stopped at the little office we had. I kept it pretty empty for...well, I'm hoping my son. She's not pregnant but I wouldn't mind if she was...alyssa wants it to but is just to scared about all of it. I understand though. It's a lot to handle.

I walked out of the "office" and into my room were alyssa was lying across the bed taking up all the space there was. I slowing went on the bed and then pushed alyssa to the side and she was half on the floor and half on the bed. This is the advantage of loving your best friend. She will always be my bestfriend. And I will always love her. Forever.

Authors note!!

I know it was short. Sorry but I wasn't really on the "happy side" this march break. Lol but anyways. I have a GREAT IDEA for next chapter. So yeah. Love you guys.

And remember be prepared for the koala apocalypse. Or zombie. There both pretty messed up but still. Be careful out there.




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