Chapter 10

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It is now Monday. The day before the boys leave. Since Blake's parents are gone for a year. Oh wait I forgot to say that. They called yesterday and they need to stay for a year in china. They said for work. But anyways, we were all now in the kitchen eating some lunch. Everything was packed. Well not Blake he didn't do anything yet.

"We should a go swimming" jay said.

"Yeah, you girls can borrow my bathing suit. It's in my room the dresser to your left."

Everyone was changed. But not me and Blake. We were in his room and packing. I was packing him some shirts. This kid can't fold so I'm here to help him. I found some condoms in the dresser.

"Uh Blake?" I asked showing him the condoms.

"Oh uh I don't use them"

"Yeah right, whatever just take them with you. We all know your going to pick up a girl somewhere and get t on."

"It's not going to happen alyssa"

"Why? That's not normal for you"

"In in love with another girl remember?" He asked

"Oh right, I wondering who she is. Why can't you just tell me!!?"

He walked closer to me. He starred right into my eyes and smiled.

"Don't worry about it. You don't need to know....yet"

"Yet?" I repeated

"You will know, soon I promise you"


This kinda hurts me. Just knowing he loves another girl kills me. I try not to look sad but I kinda fail. I just walk over to my room and get into my bikini. It's a light blue baking. And it shows off my awesome body. Everyone says I have one but I never believe it.

Blake's POV

Se looked so hurt, that t actually hurts me. Why? I love her so much. But does this mean she loves me too? I hope so, but I'm not telling her yet. I can't. If I am wrong and she doesn't love me..then this could mess up our whole friendship. She's my gummy bear and I will not loose that!

I start to get into my bathing suit too. Just some random red shorts I have. Like surfer shorts.

I walk into Alyssa's room and there she is in her blue baking. She putting her hair up into a pony tail or something I guess. All I know it's that she looks amazing. Like always.

I hug her for behind and I can kinda tell that she has been crying. WHAT? Why? I will hurt anyone that made her cry!!

"Lets go outside and swim" I said

"It's already, 1:30 in the morning"

"Your right, sorry I wasted all your time."

"Go to sleep" she said

I flung myself into her bed and was going to sleep when

"Get out dude, I'm getting changed"

"I won't look, I promise"

"Ok fine"

She started to undress and I looked a little I only saw her small booty shorts and her bra.

She climbed beside me and she cuddled with me.

"Blake, I don't want you to go." She said

"Why not?" I asked

"Idk, I see you ever day and for a whole month I can't see you now".

"It's going to be alright. I promise."

I kissed her nose and I held her closer to me. I don't want to leave her here. Alone. In this danger zone of a place we call earth. A KOALA COULD JUST RUN TO CANADA AND STEAK HER. OH GOD NO!

Blake, calm the fuck down. Ts going to be alright. I fell asleep right after. I thin alyssa was sleeping too.

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