Chapter 30

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Authors note!

I need more votes. I'm not kidding! Please can you all vote! It would mean so much to me. If you do the pandas will protect you forever! I promise!


Me Blake and Tyler were in Stephanie's hospital room waiting. Waiting for her to just wake up. Anything really. Maybe her hand moves...or her foot twitches...


It's been two weeks already. Tyler is supposed to be in university but he won't leave Stephanie. Blake had to carry him to the car and make him go home to shower.

Tyler was in the bed with Stephanie and had Stephanie all cuddled up to him. It's so cute when there together.

It would be better f she was awake though. Stephanie's parents are such assholes! They don't even care about her! They came to the hospital ester day and told me when she wakes up to call them! Like come on! It's there own kid. They used to beat her almost everyday. Then she always just stayed with me or Blake. She used to go to sky's too, but she's gone. She's gone with all of them...

I miss them so much..

I looked up at Blake and smiled at him.

"Blake?" I whispered

He woke up and smiled back at me. He had his arm around me and was holding onto me tightly.

"Yeah" he said

"I'm scared"

"I know. I am too"

"Everyone I get close to gets hurt..."

"Don't say that! That's not true alyssa."

"Yes it is! gone."

"Stephanie is here. I'm here. Tyler's here."

Just then my phone rang. It's 3:45 am. Who the hell is calling me!

"Hello" I said

"Hello sweetie!"

"Oh hey aunty Amanda"

"We need to talk sweetie"

"Ok one second"

I got out if my seat and walked into the dark hallways.

"Ok go on" I said

"I think you should move out here to Italy with me"

"WHAT!" I yelled

"I told your mom that I would do this is anything ever happened. Sweetie...please.."

"I have a life here..."

"I know. I have to do this. Your mother wanted it to be like this."

"Ok maybe.."

"Sweetie, I know you don't want to..but...I uh..nvm. Just please think about it."

"You can tell me why's wrong."

"I have cancer..."

"Oh. Ok fine. I'll come. When?"

"Maybe in about a week? I wi have your plane ticket ready and mailed to you in a few days"

"Ok aunt. Love you. Bye"

"Bye sweetie"

I hung up the phone and walked into the room.

"Thanks for telling me alyssa...." Blake said and walked out if the room angrily.

"Blake wait!" I yelled down the hall

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