Chapter 5

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It's almost time for the party so I'm going to go get ready. I walk in Blake's room and there's a dress on the bed that is wry very short and is super slutty. I can't wear this...I'm not going to. This is just gross.

"BLAKE" I screamed

"Yes alys" he says walking into the room

"It's to short"

"Just put it on, then after we will see"


He leaves and I try it on. It is super tight and it is about mid thigh. It's a light blue. The top shows a lot of cleavage. A little to much. I walk out of Blake's room and he is waiting for me. As soon as I walk out he just stares at me. It's like he is scanning my body.

"You don't look like a slut" is all he said


"You look gorgeous alyssa"

"Uh thanks"

"I'm going to go get ready" he says

"Ok, I will do my hair"


I walk away to the bathroom and find a flat iron. I do my hair and after it is straight.

I get my black heels and walk to the living room. Blake Is already there and he looks amazing. He is wearing dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He grabs his keys.

"Lets go"


I follow him to his car and get in the seat. He walks around and gets into the drivers seat. He starts the car and we start moving.

"You look amazing alyssa" he says

"Thanks, you look pretty good to"

"You mean I look hot, I got it alyssa"

"I didn't mean that"

"Yes to did"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

My favorite song comes on the radio and I start singing

I'm bullet proof nothing to loose, fire away fire away, to shoot me down. But I get up. I am titanium!! The song keeps playing and by the end of it me and Blake are laughing our heads off.

"So how's you and sophia?" I asked

"I'm breaking up with her"

The car is now stopped at the house the party is at.

"Why" I ask

"I'm in love with someone"


"A girl"

Before I got to answer jayden was at our window and knocked I it. I got out if the car with Blake.

"Hey, who's ready to party!" Jaydin says.

It's already 11:00, and the party is in full spin. I can hear the music bleating from our here. We all start to walk in and I see Sophia already dancing with some guys. Blake looks at me then at Sophia. He walks to Sophia and I know what is about to happen. They both walk to a room alone. I then go and get a drink. I find sky and Stephanie and we dance until we are about to drop. The out of now where we see Sophia run out if the front door crying her eyes out. I go and get her and before I saw anything she slaps me.

"THIS IS ALL YOR FAULT" she screams.

Before I say anything as rips off the dress I had on and she takes off running. I am left there with my underwear an bra. Everyone is now staring at me.

This is so embarresing...

"Come with me" a girl with dark long hair tells me.

I follow her to a room and she throws me a red dress that has come sparkle on it.

"Thank you" I'm now crying.

"Oh don't worry about it, I'm Natalie"

"I'm alyssa"

Blake is at the other end of the door screaming for me to come out.

I walk out and he grabs me and hugs me. He is so drunk right now and I am too. He drags me to another room and locks the door.

"Your the girl I'm in love with. I love you alyssa"

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