Chapter 15

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Alyssa's POV

i feel like im dead. i cant move, i cant speak and i cant open my eyes. i can hear everything though. i only hear it at a silent tone but its there. I hear blakes voice everyday. The doctors told him that im in a coma. i want to wake up so bad. i want to just hold on to him and never let him go. i think its been about three weeks since this all happened. its boring here. Do i even know where i am? I know im at the hospital but where am i mentaly. Stephanie came and visited me the other day. but they only come once a day. Blake though never leaves. He just sits there. i cant see what he does or feel anything but i know hes there. i dont think he slept or so long. I just want to wake up and be with him.

Stephanies POV

We all just left the hospital. i got out about a week go but alyssa still hasnt woke up. When i woke up i was in so much pain. everything hurt me so much. im fine now, but my leg is still in teh cast and stuff. its broken and god does it hurt. When everyone left we all split up. We all kinda live at blakes house now. we only hang out there. Its weird but fun. We are all moving out anyays and going on with our lives. i was now in tylers car and we were driving home to his house. i dont even know why i dont think i get a choice, he kinda just started driving there.

i felt soem random pain i nmy leg an it kills!

"OW" i screamed

"WHATS WRONG STEPH" tyler screamed back

"My leg it has random spaz attacks on me"

"were almost home just sit tight and hold my hand"

i looked at his hnad and wondered. is he just going to hurt me like everyone else. i decided agianst holding his hand. i just left him hanging there with his hand.

He pulled his hand back and looked a little embaressed and upset. i really like him but i cant trust anyone anymore sicne what luke did.

"where here" he said

"ok" i said

"uh need help with those" he asked me laughing

im pretty much beating my crutches up. anoyying bastards.

"CARRY ME" i said laughing

"aww steph but your heaving"


"im kidding" he starts laughing

he picked me up and carried me like i was a a leaf. well this is fun i thought to my self.

he started laughing. did i say that out loud?

"yes you did" he said


"it was cute dont worry"

"are you trying to flirt tyler" i asked looking suprised

We were in side. He never answered my question though. I was kidding but he just didnt answer.

"wanna watch a movie" he asked

"ok sure, you pick which one"

"ok come on to my room"

we spent the whole night laughing and watching movies. where the hell is his parents? i didnt ask but i just kinda wondered.

Blakes POV

I have been sitting here for so damn long. cant he just wake up? i have this feeling that she can hear me. its cray but i do. i tak to her everyday though. i tell her everything. she never answers but i dont care. its like as long as i talk to her she is still with me.

The doctor walked in and looked at her.

"your a good boyfriend" she said

"oh im not her boyfriend. were bestfriends"

"nt for long sweety. not for long" she laughed

"uh ok.." i said confused

She walked out and left me thinking. maybe i did want to be her boyfriend?

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