Chapter 29

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Sleeping so over rated now a days. So I'm getting up. I walked out if my room and into the living room. Blake was sleeping on the couch there. HAHA PAY BACK TIME!

I walked over to him and looked at his face. He looked so small so weak right now. I almost felt bad for what was about to happen. I went into the kitchen and got some butter. When I came back into the living room Blake was gone. Oh shit...shit shit shit

I walked around trying not to make any noise.

"Blake" I called being scared

"Blake?" I asked again m

"Bla- AHHH"

He grabbed my ankle and dragged me to the couch.

He picked me up and started to tickle me.

"I'm the prank master babe. Never forget that" he said and smirk

"Stop smirking, you look hot when you do that and I'm trying to be mad at you!!" I yelled

"Lys you can't ever be mad at me"

"Watch me" I sat on the couch and didnt even look at him.

"I'll buy you food" he said


"Fine, we will play the hard way!"

He leaned over me so I was under him. He kissed me but I didn't flinch.

"Lys...STOP THAT!"

Silence again.

"IDEA" he yelled

"We're going to the zoo." He said and smiled

"I'll be in the car and were picking up Stephanie." I said

I walked out of the house onto the elavator from the 23 floor to the ground. I waited in the car until Blake came. I called Stephanie and she sounded so excited. This has been our dream forever!

We were finally at Stephanie's house and I texted her cell phone saying were here. After ten minutes of waiting I called her.

"Hello" she said

"I'm here"

"Ok I'm comi- TYLER PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON! There here"

"Steph..did you" I asked

"Uh kinda just happened"


She hung up on me...damn

"What the hell was that about?" Blake asked

"Stephanie and Tyler had sex" I said

"No they didn't. Shut up. Tyler nearly knows how to kiss a girl."

"It happened. Wow"

Just then Stephanie and tyler came into the car. Tyler's hair was all messed up and Stephanie's shirt was falling of of her.

Me and blake looked at each other and then started laughing so hard.

"Nice job man" Blake said to Tyler patting his shoulder.

"I know right. Amazing" he said

"HEY!" Stephanie hit Tyler in the arm.

"Ouch.." He said


Three hours later

We were all just walking around checking out some animals when me and Stephanie wanted to go get some candy. We ran off like children when "it" was starring at us.


We ran to Blake and Tyler and hid behind them.

"It..was..t-there" I said

"Blake picked me up and brought me over to "it"

Stephanie and Tyler were behind us.


Me and Stephanie both screamed and everyone was starting at us.

"Silence silence my loves" I guy with a Australian accent said.

"What's wrong mate?'

"There scared of him" Blake said pointing to the koala in his arms.

"He doesn't bite, I promise."

Blake was still carrying me and moved closer to the koala. I went to touch it but then stopped and moved my hand back.

"Here" said the man with the evil koala.

He gave me the koala and smiled

"" I said

Tyler took the koala and have it to Stephanie.

"It's kinda cute.." She said

She pet it and it looked at her funny. I will never trust those "things".

She let it more and then...IT BIT HER!

She jumped back and fell. She hit her head on a pole and looked passed out.

Tyler ran to her and was holding her. I think I saw the man calling the ambulance. We all stayed by Stephanie trying to get her up. But finally the ambulance came. Only one person was allowed to go into the ambulance truck so we let Tyler go. He is really worried about her. So am I. She's my bestfriend and if se ever got hurt...I wouldn't be able to love with myself.

Me and blake hurried to the hospital and when we got there, we waited about a half hour when the doctor came out and told us he is in a coma and they don't know if she will wake up. Tyler stayed with her in the room and me and Blake had to go home. They wouldn't let us stay because of over crowed and stuff. I went home but didnt sleep. It was now 2:30 and I havnt even moved from this couch. Blake even tried to make me move but I wouldn't. Blake didnt want to leave me so he was sleeping beside me on the couch. He was spooning me but he was sleeping. And I wasn't...I can't. My best friend might never wake up. How the hell am I supposed to stay calm right now! God I miss her already. She might never wake up. Ever. I repeated that sentence in my head a thousand times...over and over again.

His best friendWhere stories live. Discover now