Chapter 35

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When my aunt got home that night Ryan was still over. I pretty much cried all day while Ryan just held me.

We were all in the living room sitting on the couch. I was sitting beside Ryan and my aunt was across from us.

"So what did you need to tell me alyssa?" She asked me.

"I'm uh.." I couldn't say it. I couldn't say anything.

I felt Ryan's hand on my back rubbing circles to help me out.

"I'm pregnant" I said bluntly

"Your only 18! That's a sins you terrible child!! Get out of my house!!" My aunt yelled at me.

In her religion it's a very very bad sin to do what I did.

Ryan grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house.

I didn't say anything, he just carried me to his car. When we got in the car he started driving away.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked

"Well your aunt just told you-"

"Us...your in this with me." I corrected him.

"Us that were not allowed to see her. Pretty much"

"She never loved me. She just loved my parents money"

"Hey look at me" he stopped that car.

"I'm here, Blake's here, Stephanie's here and Tyler is here. That's your family! That baby is your family! I will do anything to make sure that, that baby is happy and healthy. Blake will do the same"

"I know that" I cried

He leaned over to me and pulled me so I was on his the car.

He hugged me and I hugged hi back. We stayed like this for almost twenty minutes.

"This is what were going to do. We're going to the airport. We will get on the plane and we will leave. We will go back home and tell Blake everything."

"Okay" I said


After the plane ride

Alyssa's POV

I slept the whole ride home and I was so glad to be on ground again. Me and Ryan were walking off the plane and almost out of the building. We were laughing and having a great time, then I saw him...

He looked at me and he had tears in his eyes. I dropped my bags and ran over to him. He ran to me and he picked me up and hugged me. I started crying and so was he. I missed him so much. He hugged me even tighter when I cried more. Finally after he put me down.

I smiled at him and then heard a lady behind us

"Aw, there just to cute. Young love." Se said

I smiled then turned to Blake again.

"Blake" I said


I went on my tippy toes and whispered in his ear

"I'm pregnant"

Ryan's POV

Alyssa ran up to Blake and they started hugging. There perfect for each other. I want to say she's perfect for me but I can't...there meant to be together. Always have been.

I saw alyssa whisper something in Blake's ear. I have no idea what she said but then I saw his face. A face of shocked, confused. But then happy and joyed.

Alyssa POV

We drove home and as soon as we got to the apartment I went to me and Blake's room and slept. To much moving.

Stephanie's POV

"Tyler stop it!!" I screamed at him

"Why! You don't like being tickled to death!"

Me and Tyler were just chilling out at his house when he started to tickle me.

"Tyler please..." I said




I kissed him.

"Alright I'll stop tickling you"

"Thank the-"

"If I get another kiss" he said


He laughed and I started to laugh too.

He went to kiss me but I moved away.

I started laughing so hard.

"Oh shut up steph"

He kissed me and pulled me on his lap. I sat with my legs crossed facing him on his lap. I kissed him back and he was smiling on my lips. He deepened the kiss and then I heard a door open. I pulled away and looked at the door.

"Do you guys mind not eating each others face and come with me" Blake said

"Blake! Dude!" Tyler pointed at me and looked angry.

"Yeah bad timing blake" I said

"Alyssa's back" he said

I jumped off of Tyler and ran out the door into his car. I sat in the front seat and screamed out the window.


The came running into the car ad Tyler sat in the back while and drove.

When we finally got to there apartment I ran inside to the elevator and up to her floor. I slammed on the door and finally Ryan opened the door. I pushed him a side and looked around. Maybe her room. I went in there and couldn't find her. What the hell?

I looked at the bathroom door and started walking to it.

"Stephanie stop!" Ryan yelled

I didn't listen ad walked in the bathroom to found alyssa throwing up. What?

"Alyssa?" I said

She turned around and looked at me. I helped her up and she brushed her teeth. I walked her to the living room.

Ryan Blake and Tyler were all watching tv and turned around to look at us. I sat down beside alyssa and she told us everything that happened. She told us about how her aunt hates her now.

"You have us" Tyler said

"I know that" alyssa said

Alyssa's POV

"So what now?" Ryan asked

"I say we have a walking dead marathon" I said

"Agreed" Stephanie said

"Ok get the DVDs" I said

"Wait wait!" Said the boys

"To late! Lets get this started!" Me and Stephanie said

For the rest of the night we watched walking dead. All night long.


Authors note!

So how was it?? Longer right? We anyways! Yeah she's pregnant! Omg this is so amazing. But it's almost done!! Just kidding! We still have a few more chapters.




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