Chapter 34

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Its been a months here in italy....I woke up in my small bed ad I instantly felt so sick. I run to the bathroom by my room and started to throw up. What the he is wrong with me? Maybe I just have the flu. I remember when I was 13 I had the flu so Blake stayed home from school and he took care of me. I do miss Blake but I can't do it anymore. I'm here alone...with my aunt. I threw up again...STOP IT! BAD TUMMY! BAD!

Im such a child sometimes....

My aunt needed a ride to the hospital for her first "session". I asked if I should say but she said she would prefer me to just stay home. So I drove back and on the way I got a drink from booster juice. I pulled up on the drive way and headed inside. I opened the door ad threw my keys on the counter. I then heard a noise. I grabbed the bat that my aunt and I hid behind the fridge. I slowly walked up the stares holding the bat close to me ready to hit someone. I heard the noise again and it was coming from my room. Oh god..oh god...oh god... Gonna die...

I opened the door and charged at the person on my bed. They had there back to me and was facing the wall.

I hit them so hard and the they fell. He turned over and I saw who it was.

"RYAN!" I screamed

"Ouch..."he said

I hugged him so tight! I missed Ryan...

"Sorry.." I said

"It's ok, I'm alright"

"So what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you"

"No shit.."

"I missed you." He said

"I know I missed you to."

"We need to talk" he said

"About what??"

"Sit down"

"Ok..." I sat down on my bed and pulled him beside me.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked

"What! No!!"

"Are you sure..."

"I'm actually not sure."

"I knew before you left you were throwing up a lot and remember when I made steak and you got sick?"

"Oh my god.."

"Ryan, what if I am?"

"We have to check"

"I know. I have some in the bathroom one second."

I got up ad ran to the bathroom. I got the test and did all that stuff. It said to wait for give minutes so I did. I walked back in the room with Ryan. He looked so scared right now. He had his leather jacket it on and his sunglasses clipped to his shirt. It's his bad boy look..always.

"So?" He asked

"Five minutes.." I said

I sat down beside him. He wouldn't look at me.



"It could be mine...."

I looked at him and then just opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't. No sound came out.

"Fuck.." I finally said

"Fuck?" He looked confused

"Ryan, you know I love Blake. If it was yours I need to be with Blake."

"I get that.. But. It could be mine."

"It's been five minutes...."

"Go" he said

I got up and went into the bathroom. I don't want to look... I honestly might pass out right now. I walked over to the counter and looked at it.



I fell to the floor and just sat there looking at the wall. My elbows on my knees. Ryan soon came into the room and sat the same way beside me.

"I'm so sorry..." He said

"It's not your fault I said."

"I raped you alyssa"

"It wasn't from that though. It could be from Blake or that time when I was in a fight with Blake."

"I hope it's Blake's" he said

"What are you saying? You don't want a kid??"

"No no! Not at all. I would love if it was mine but... You love Blake not me"

"Oh..I get it."

"I need to go home."

"This is home"

"No it's not. My aunt has been treating me like crap this whole time. She doesn't even talk to me. She just wanted me her so she was safe. I get that and I helped her but she's acting like a dick. She doesn't even know that in in love with Blake."

"Everyone knows that though" he said

"That's my point..." I said

He started laughing a little. I'll admit it, it was funny but still. Not a good time.

"Ryan. What if it isn't Blake's."

"We will never's Blake's ok."

"Promise me." I know that was stupid to say but I needed to hear it.

"I promise you" he hugged me close to him and I laid down on his lap and fell asleep. On the bathroom floor. Alright creepy...

Blake's POV

I'm a mess. I miss alyssa. I can't handle this anymore. I havnt left the house since the day she told me, we couldn't be together. I feel so empty and alone. I'm pissed off that Ryan got to hug her last..he got to be there for her. Not me! I'm so stupid!! How could I mess this up!


Authors note!!

Sorry it's short. And that I havnt up dated in a while. Next chapter soon!




Ps. Watch for the koalas...

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