Chapter 31

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He kissed me.

Ryan kissed me.

And I kissed him back.

Ryan looked at me and I looked back at him, both in shock.

"Ryan?" I asked him

"I'm so so sor-"

I cut him off by kissing him again. I don't know why I'm doing this but I am.

He was surprised but he kissed me back after. We were still on the edge if his bed but he laid me down and he was over top of me. He licked my bottom lip and I let him gain entrance. Why am I doing this? I'm making out with my ex boyfriend while I have a boyfriend. Wait never mind....I don't have a boyfriend.

Ryan kissed my neck and then kissed all the way back up to my mouth again. I took of his shirt and threw it on the ground. He started to put his hands under my shirt, only feeling around my stomach. He kissed my neck some more and a little under the base of my neck. He started moving his hands higher up my shirt and right before he got any further I stopped him. He was still over top of me just starring at me.

"Wow" he said

I didn't even say anything I just pushed him off me and ran to his bathroom. I could hear him running behind me but I got to the bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the floor be side the door.

"Alyssa, just come out."

I stayed silent and didnt dare to move.

I didn't her Ryan out there anymore so I think he left me alone. Suddenly I felt to arms wrap around me and I screamed.

"Alyssa! It's me"said Ryan

"How did you get in?"

"There's another door..."

"Oh, shit"

"I'm sorry" I said

"Don't be sorry"

He sat on the floor next to me and starred at me.

"He broke up with you." He said

"I know."

"What the hell is his problem!" He screamed

"Ryan it's ok"

"No it's not ok! He gets everything he wants and then lets its slip away so easily! I would do anything to have you back again!"


"He's such a idiot!"

"I know"

"I'm such a mess" I said

"No your not lys"

He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Ryan, thanks for saving my life"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean when you gave me your helmet that night on your bike. I lived because of you."

"I told you....I'll do anything for you"

"I thought you were a jerk before"

"Well I was"

"No you weren't. You never were"

"I'm so mad at Blake.." He said

"Just forget about him. Can we watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah come on"

We both got up and walked into Ryan's bed room. I jumped into his bed and laid on my stomach facing the tv. He did the same thing beside me.

"What movie?" I asked

"One second, let me go grab it. I know this one is your favourite"

He got up and then minutes later came back and put the movie in. He laid down beside me again.


"Who's the best?" He asked

"YOU ARE!" I screamed

We watched the movie in silence.

"Pass the chips" I said

"No there mine" he said




I pushed him off the bed and when he was falling he grabbed my hand and I fell ontop of him.

"Ouch!" He said

"Your fault!" I said


He looked at me in the eyes again. Oh god, I want to kiss him but I can't do that. Blake loves me. I know he does.

If he loved me so much why would he get mad over nothing. Maybe he doesn't love me.

Ryan went to kiss me again but I put a chip in his mouth instead.

"Nice try" he said

Then he blew the chip away and kissed me. I kissed him back and then got up from him. Well I was kinda siting on him with one leg on each side of him.

"We have to stop doing this" he said

"Why should we. Blake broke up with me because he doesn't love me."

"Don't say that. He does"

"If he did he wouldn't have done this to me. And besides I think he's cheating on me. Almost every night now he leaves at like 2:00 am."

"That bastard!"

"I know.."

"Hey, don't worry. I'm here"

"You always are."

I then sat back on the bed and laid my head on one of his pillows. Ryan came behind me and laid right beside me. I looked at the ceiling.

I could feel Ryan was trying to hold my hand but then I remembered.....

The promise ring.

Ryan saw it too and then looked at me.

I took it off and put it in my pocket.

"Are you sure?" He asked

"I'm sure that I don't want to be with Blake."

"Who do you want to be with then?"

"I have no clue"

Ryan smiled at me then kissed my forehead.

"What about you go to sleep?" He said

"Ok thanks Ryan."

I closed my eyes and felt Ryan get closer to me and cuddle with me. I slowly fell asleep.


Authors note.

Sorry it's short. I might not be able to update next week. I'm on a school trip and a soccer trip from Wednesday to probably Monday. So sorry!




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