Chapter 1

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Life's pretty normal. There's never gonna be a change I guess, but that's what I want. I love my life. I have Stephanie and skyler. But mostly I have Blake. He has been my bestfriend since we were 12. It's been five years. Five years of him and me. From the first day he moved in beside my house, me and him knew we were going to be friends. Then two years later Blake made me meet Stephanie and sky. I didn't want to at first but now they are two great friends. Life's really maybe never going to change. But I like it, like this.

I woke up to the noise coming from my window. I opened my eyes slowly to find Blake trying to get through the window. Our rooms were facing each other and me and him can climb out and in from each others windows.

I threw my pillow at him.

"Get out, to early for this" I reply with my morning voice

"Oh come on its 10:00 alyssa"

"No, get out dude"

"Gummy bear, please"

"No gummy worm"

Those are our nick names for each other. I think it came from when we were 13 and we had a sleep over. We ended up having a gummy bear and gummy worm fight. Bet night ever.

"Fine I didn't want to do this but I guess I have to now" I'm guessing he's saying this with a smirk, but I'm not sure my eyes are closed.

Out of no were he jumps on top of me and lays there. Instantly I pushed him off making him fall on the floor.

"Fine, let me shower. I will meet you in your room in like twenty minutes"

"Ok, cya soon"

As he leaves out threw the windows I go into my bathroom and start the shower I get undressed and jump in. When I'm finished I blow dry my hair to its natural waves. My hair is light brown and is very long. I love it

I don't put much make up on but I always put a little. I ten walk to my closet and look threw it until I finally decide on my dark blue jeans with my green t shirt. I put over my small jean jacket with it. I look under my bed form my red sneakers. Oh gosh we're are they! I finally find then at the back of my closet. My mom must of cleaned up before she left for her trip. Her and my dad work a lot. They go away almost every week and I dot see them often. That's why Blake's brother Matthew always has to watch me and Blake. We don't need it and Matthew is always drunk so it's kinda like being alone.

I jump out of the window and climb to Blake's room. He doesn't notice me t first so I jump on his back and scare him. He doesn't even move because he knows its me.

"Nice try, it's not working"

"It will work one day. I will show you all!!" I say this with a evil but funny laugh

Blake looks at me funny then laughs it off. This is pretty normal for us. Every Saturday we do this.

"Ok let's go downstairs and start cooking pancakes" he says

"Alright, lets go"

Pancake saturday has been our tradition ever since I Blake teaches me to make them. We always have so much fun doing it.

We start making the pancakes and I throw a little flower at Blake. He looks shocked then laughed and cracked an egg on my head. Not cool.


He started laughing and I tried so hard to try not to laugh too, but I gave in and started laughing with him. We laughed for at least ten minutes then stopped. That's when he said we should clean up and go watch movies. We started cleaning. It took forever.

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