Chapter 22

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Alyssa's POV

I knew Blake was trying to talk to me but I don't want to. He didnt tell me. He was going to just leave me. Just like that? He would go to Paris for university and live there...with out me.

I ran out of my room and say Blake. I didn't look at him just ran by crying.

"Alyssa wait"

I stopped but didn't turn around.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"You should know" I said, then walked out.

I got my bike and I went to the bridge. Under the bridge was a secret tunnel that me and lake found. That was our hideout. We would stay there all the time and just hang out. That's my favorite place in the world. Always will be...

I put my bike down and went threw the tunnel. We had little flash lights hanging everywhere so it wasn't dark. I finally got to the room. The floor was all pillows and there were blankets everywhere. We had posters up of stupid stuff we found around. We had a mirror on the wall. The roof was really really low so I had to go on my knees. Wow it has been a while since I was in here.

I started looking threw some old pictures I had of me and Blake. One was of us swimming when we were 14. I was on his shoulders in the water and I was stealing his sunglasses. He looked very confused but he was laughing. I just looked like some crazy lady trying to rob him. We were cute together. I found another picture of me and him when we were 13. We were camping ad it was at night. I was on beside him and he had his arm around me. I looked angry at him and he looked guilty. I remember that night. He told me that him and Sophia were going out. It sucked for me. After that I felt like I had to share him with her. I smiled as I saw the next picture. We were at the beach and we were about 16. I was laying on the sand and Blake was beside me and he was pouring a bucket of sand onto my stomach. We were both laughing. That was the best day of my life. My parents were there. His parents were there. He was there. He was with me.

I started crying a little. I missed my parents so much. I miss me and my mom making cakes together and I miss me and my dad watching the soccer games together. I missed my old life.

I sat down in a little corner of the room and stared at the wall. Then I heard footsteps. Blake then walked in and looked at me. My eyes were red and you can tell I was crying. I hated when Blake saw crying but I knew he cared about me.

Blake's POV

I walked in and saw her crying in the corner. I can tell she has been crying for almost hours. This is all my fault.

I walked over to her which was more like a crawl but I finally got to her and sat down beside her.

"I was going to tell you" I said looking down.

"When? When you were in Paris?" She asked me coldly.

"I wouldn't do that" I said

"Honestly?" I asked

"No a fucken lie!! What the fuck do to think I want to hear Blake!!" She yelled.

"I was going to drop out...for you"

"Yeah right, your dad would kill you."

"I was going to maybe go next year. Alyssa I had a plan, and you were in it. It was going to be me and you. We could get a apartment around here and start our lives. I can go to university here. And you can go here too."

"So we live together?"

"Yeah" I said and smiled

"Blake...that's a problem" she said and frowed.

"What why?" I asked.

"I don't think you can handle my sexiness bottled up in one house." She said laughing."

"Your such a retard sometimes" I said an laughed.

"I know, you love me for it"

"I really do, don't I?"

I kissed her but she stopped.

"That came out of no where" she said laughing.

"I wasn't done" I said fake pouting

She then kissed me and I hovered over her and kissed her back.

Not to self...never make out in a secrete hide out. My back hurts.

Alyssa's POV

Ok I'm not joking...the movie and books lied. You do not feel fireworks. You feel like a million little massage things re in your mouth. It sounds weird but wow! His lips are soft but still a little bit hard. He trailed his lips down my neck and then came back to my mouth. He started to take of my shirt but I didnt let him.

"Aww, rude" he said joking

"Not my fault you didn't turn me on" I said laughing.

"LIAAA! I so did" he said





"N-" he cut me off by kissing me again.

I kissed him back again. I could get used to this. I'm not joking I'm having fun. I actually had no idea what I was doing right now. Yeah and I was still doing awesome. He was hovering over me now ad looked into my eyes.

"Hi" I said

"Hey, so I was wondering..." He started to move his fingers around my stomach and got a little lower.

"No" I said

"You don't even know what I was going to say though."

"Yes, I do" I laughed.



"Ok fine, but come on please??" He asked

"I hate you for this." I said

"I know!!"

He kissed me lightly on my lips the stopped again

"We don't actually have to. If you don't feel comfortable, then we won't do it."

"I would do it. But walking dead is on in ten minutes." I looked at him with a straight face.

"Fine, come on. We will go home. Leave your bike here we will take my car."

"Ok let's go! I wanna go see some zombies!!" I said

We got into the car and drove home. It was about a five minute drive so we got home just in time to see the episode. I can't wait until me and him move out alone. Oh and when I told him that I would do it. I meant it, I really would. But walking dead comes first. Always has. Maybe another day I will do it.

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