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Man 1's POV

The glass cup shook under my grip as I angrily watched the news.

His mugshot appeared on my television, along with some other random guy.

His face pissed me off so much.

I shut the television off and walked over to the telephone, dialing a number.

"Hurricane Sheriff's Depar-"

"I was fucking paying you, to keep him in there! I already told you, I don't care if it was self defense!" I yelled.

"Oh. It's you. Listen, I understand that, but we're doing all we can to find him. We checked on him last night, he seemed happier than usual. The next morning, he was gone." The man on the other line sighed. "We've checked all over the state in the past few hours, and even Arizona, New Mexico, Denver, Nevada and Idaho. We believe he might've run off to New York, since he was talking about the Statue of Liberty recently."

"He couldn't have gotten so far in a couple of hours if he was running off to New York. So find him! Now!" I spilled a little water.

"And if we don't find him? Would you actually let this go?"

"No." I chuckled. "Of course not, you prick. Who do you take me for? I'd find him myself!"

"Can I ask what this man has even done to you?"

"Took someone from me. And.." I looked down.


"It doesn't matter. Just find him." I slammed the telephone back on the wall. 


Willow's POV

I knocked lightly on Michaels door. "Michael?"

"Come in!" He cheerfully called.

I sighed and shut my eyes tightly, opening them before coming in.

"What're you up to?" I smiled at him.

He held up his plushie. "Playing with Mr. Foxy!"

"That's awesome. Why don't you take Foxy with us for some ice cream?" I suggested.

The little boy jumped up in happiness. "Really?"

I nodded. "Come on. Put on your shoes."

I felt bad. He seemed so excited like I'm never that nice to him. I'm not mean to him, like I don't yell at him or anything, because at least I know how that feels, but I'm not exactly.. you know.

I went back downstairs and took my keys, waiting for him by the door.

My foot was tapping anxiously. I don't know why I was so anxious, it was only my son. It was only a four year old boy. 

Maybe I was anxious because I haven't been anywhere besides work in the past month. I just haven't been anywhere in a while.

Henry had invited me for dinner with his wife, but I didn't go. I couldn't, I don't know why.

I watched as the happy toddler ran down the stairs with his plush, panting with excitement. I don't think I took him out since he was two, and he definitely doesn't remember that.

"I'm ready Mommy!" Michael ran up to me. 

I opened the front door and let Michael out in front of me.

I wanted to drive to the ice cream shop. But it was only a block away. I didn't have the strength to walk that much. But again, it's only a block away.

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