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did u guys also know that in the 1st book, william was originally supposed to kill henry at some point and that would've been how willow found out 😭

William's POV

"Sit." Willow pointed at the couch.

I quickly sat down at her stern talking.

Willow was nervous. It was after work, and yesterday she told me she had something to tell me. She was practically shaking.

"Okay. Okay, William, I need you to promise me a few things." She said, trying to calm herself down.

"Er.. Alright.." I said, confused.

I hate promises. I don't like to promise anything. It's too much pressure, and 75% of the time I can't keep them.

Maggie was standing by the kitchen counter, watching us menacingly.

"You won't leave, like permanently or even temporarily. You won't freak out, you won't get angry, you won't, you know.." She looked at Maggie and looked back at me, making a slicing motion at her neck.

I looked at her oddly with my eyebrows furrowed.

"You won't, I don't know. You won't do anything that can affect anyone in a negative way." She concluded.

"You're making seem as though you've murdered Henry." I chuckled.

She awkwardly chuckled. "You promise though?"

I slowly nodded. "Sure."

"No. I don't believe you." She said.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Come on Willow, you know me. I wouldn't lie to you."

She stared at me nervously before bringing her nail up to her teeth and turning around, walking towards Maggie.

She's making me fucking nervous. I hope she's not gonna try to introduce me to her new boyfriend or something, because I might just kill myself at that point.

Me and her were never together in the first place, I didn't know how to even get that to happen, but I'll still obviously be upset.

Actually, I'm doing too much. There's no need for me to end myself, just him. I'll kill him. I'll tell her either I have no idea what happened, or that I watched him get hit by a fucking bus, and which the driver was me.

Willow seemed as though she was trying to beg Maggie to not make her do it, but she wasn't budging.

"This is your last chance Willow. Do it, or I will." Maggie pointed into the staircase.

Willow looked at me slowly and groaned, walking towards the staircase.

Maggie watched her as I listened to the soft whispers from Willow, somewhere by the staircase.

God, what if this guy is much better looking than me. Like he's not chubby, doesn't have fucked teeth, not an odd looking nose, shorter hair, shaved chin, and generally does not have a criminal record.

Maybe that's why she wasn't too happy to see me.

"Okay, uh, William.." Willow walked back into the living room.

I stared at her blankly, the muscles in my legs tensed.

"You don't um, you don't need to be associated with it, or even be around it if you don't want to I know you don't uh.." She paused. "I know it's not maybe, ideal, for you right now but I um, I don't wanna keep it from you."

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