twenty three

587 19 35

William's POV

I groaned and leaned back in my chair, covering my eyes, trying to keep myself content.

I'm about to drop EVERYTHING. I can't express how frustrating it is trying to build things.

"I need water." I mumbled to myself.

I stood from the chair and dropped the screwdriver on the table with frustration, walking up the stairs.

I opened the door and shut it behind me, walking into the kitchen. I looked over at Michael who was sitting on the couch, playing on the Game Boy.

I reached for the cabinet door and grabbed a cup, turning around to the water filter when I noticed a yellow wrinkled paper by the trash can. I looked at it oddly, filling my cup with the water and drinking it, eye on the paper.

I then set the cup in the sink and walked towards the can, bending over and picking up the little paper. I glanced at Michael once more before opening up the note.

And even though I shouldn't read other peoples notes, I felt curious this time. I knew it couldn't be anything too bad since I know everyone in this house.

But I recognized the handwriting immediately, and the first few words. It was nothing but my own note, and I felt almost sick reading it. Not only because of what I had said, but.. who had been able to read it? Who in this house knows about that? I was very clearly not in the right state of mind.

I quickly crinkled up the note and shoved it in my pocket, staring at the ground.

How.. When did this get here?

Maggie's POV

I heard a light knock at my door.

"Come in!" I shouted.  

William opened the door slowly and stood at my doorway. He stood silent, with a pale face, looking like he was nauseous, yet scared.

"..Yeah?" I asked.

His mouth stuttered to speak, before he leaned against my doorway and stared at me blankly.

"How were classes yesterday?" He rasped. "Anything exciting? Out of the ordinary?"

I felt my legs and arms tighten a bit. The way he stared at me.. it felt threatening. I'd never seen him like this before.

"Um.." I moved in my seat. "The uh, two officers came by yesterday."

"And what did you say to them?" He asked menacingly.

"Just that.. you were a good person and they're not who they think you are." I tapped my pencil.

"Right." He lightly smiled. "Is there more to that story?"

I shook my head slowly. Why was he pushing? Was there something that was supposed to happen?

"Yeah. They didn't.. you know. Give you anything?" He continued to stare as his words flowed with a straight face.

The note. I forgot to pick up the note when I dropped it. He's referring to the note. Why would he be so on edge about the note though? It's fake.. right?

"N-No.." I gulped.

He smirked, like he knew I was lying.

"Okay." He looked off to the side. "Maggie, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you right? Or Willow."

"Of course.." I nervously chuckled.

He rubbed his chin. "Maggie. You wouldn't say.. or do something you KNOW you're not supposed to, correct?"

Stay Quiet || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now