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William's POV

We all sat in the living room in silence. Henry, Maggie, Michael and I.

It was the next day, and they all finally arrived from the hospital after seeing Willow in her hospital room. They hadn't even told me anything yet, we all just decided to sit without saying anything. That was until, Henry broke the silence.

"She's stabilized. She's gonna be okay." He said quietly. "But she needs another 4 days. Then she'll just need help with minor things around the house."

I let out a sigh of relief, the pit of dread in my throat and eyes dropping.

"But you need to get to explaining. Starting with the dead man." Henry looked at me. "Because I'm still in my boxers, and no shoes."

I covered my eyes with my fingers, avoiding eye contact with anybody. I hoped this wouldn't lead to Henry thinking too much, and connecting me to other murders. "He was trying to take Michael. I didn't want to kill him at first, I just hoped he would leave. But then he tried to kill me, so I did what I had to do."

Henry sighed. "And Willow?"

"I was still scared. Defensive. I didn't realize it was her until she was already slashed." I uncovered my eyes, looking at the floor, ashamed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Maggie picked up Michael and carried him upstairs. He was too young to even have witnessed such a thing, but has to hear about it too.

Henry rubbed his face. "Right, well, she's coming back in a few days. I don't think she knows what happened. Just explain everything to her."

I won't ever forget the look she gave me. Fear. Betrayal. Like she trusted me not to. But I did it anyway. She hadn't even seen the other body. She didn't even know what was going on. I can't even imagine the way she must feel about me right now.

The one promise that I truly did not want to break, broke anyway.

Maggie came back silently and sat down.

"And what did you do with the body?" Henry looked at me.

"Buried him. In the yard." I said quietly.

I know they won't tell anyone. They already know I killed Margaret, but didn't say anything when police questioned them.

It was sort of nice to finally just get something like this off my chest, even if I told Willow about it one or two times. It was nice to tell someone I trust. On the other hand, if I also told them about the other times I hid a body, it wouldn't be such a trustful relationship anymore.

"I have to get home. I left without saying much to my wife." Henry got up. "You'll be alright?"

I nodded, the bags under my eyes heavy as I looked up at him. "Yeah.. yeah."

He sighed, picking up his keys from the table. "Give me a call if anything."

I watched as he opened the door and took his time, closing it behind him.

"Michael had.. told me something about it but," Maggie looked at the table. "I figured he was lying since his room is on the second floor. I should've listened to him."

"What is he doing now?" I asked.

"He went to sleep. Was up all night confused and worried about Willow. I think I'm gonna head upstairs too." Maggie stood, rubbing her tired eyes.

I nodded. "See you."


I couldn't just wait four days to see her. I couldn't wait four days as she sat in that bed, thinking about what happened without a real explanation. Four days of her sitting there, likely scared to come back to me.

Stay Quiet || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now