twenty six

651 20 58

^^ there are two kinds of people

cw: kidnapping & abuse & blood! lol!

Omniscient POV

It had been a week since their discussion about William's desire, but it had not been brought up since then. Willow could tell it was still on his mind non-stop, but she wasn't sure how to bring it up. Should she just talk about it? Should she just leave it alone until he brings it up himself? Should she.. do something to him?

Willow had been sitting at the kitchen table. She'd already taken Michael to school that morning, and now she'd be waiting for William to wake up so they can leave for work.

The police car had been gone for a few days now, but William was still a little paranoid about it. He never stops checking the windows, he can't sleep at night, and has had panic attacks. But he finally agreed to leave today.

She silently sat at the table with a cup of coffee in her hand, sipping on it slowly. And he finally came downstairs.

She looked at him.

He stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking at the ground, holding his stomach. He had still been in his pajamas, with his hair in a messy ponytail, his glasses falling off his face, and his hand shaking lightly.

"You okay?" She asked.

He looked at her and nodded his head. William took a few steps to the stove and looked into the pan.

His stomach rumbled as he stared at the scrambled eggs, but his mind refused the food. He slowly, and weakly, sat down next to Willow at the table.

William had been scared again that someone had been trying to poison his food in attempt to kill him. Like he once had thought the children were going to poison him, he's now afraid it's the police. So he only eats if he makes it.

No matter how much of his meds that he takes, they still speak to him, and they SCREAM at him telling him to eat it, to poison himself and die.

He's begun to thin again. Rapidly.

"William, you look incredibly ill." Willow said to
him, worried. "You're more pale than usual, and that says a lot."

He weakly chuckled. "Hey, just because you're naturally tan doesn't mean you gotta make
fun of the unfortunate ones."

"Are you not hungry?" She asked sincerely.

He looked at her slowly. He now felt like she was on THEIR side, and she'd been trying to get him to eat the intoxicated food. He slowly sat back in his chair and peered at her. "Absolutely not."

She sighed. "You can watch me make a brand new pan step by step. I promise you there's nothing in the food love."

He quickly took off his glasses and slammed them on the table, bringing his hands up to his eyes and rubbing them. "You're lying to me."

"If I wanted to fucking kill you I would've done it already. Don't you know this? Out of all people you should trust, you don't trust me. I care about you." She aggressively spoke. "Please, just let me make you something. You're gonna kill yourself like this, and then you'll really be dead."

He closed his eyes, slowly nodding. "Okay."

They stood up and William was going to watch her closely as she made a new pan of eggs.


William was intensely angry today. Both Henry and Willow had been keeping their distance all day. Nobody knew what tipped him off, and he himself doesn't know why he's angry. But today, he's not afraid to do anything to anybody.

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