twenty two

591 20 56

Maggie's POV

"Um, Maggie Lister?" My professor called.

"Hm?" I looked up from my test paper.

"Please bring up your test, you'd have to complete it later. These two officers would like to have a word with you." She said.

I looked at the officers who stared at me like I was in trouble.

Damn it William.

I sighed and stood up, test in my hand as I walked to the front of the room. I received states and mumbled from my classmates as they watched me.

"Please come with us." They opened the door.

I placed my test on the table and followed them out the door. They began walking at a slow pace down the hall.

"How old are you?" One of them asked.

"18." I responded.

"So you must've been.. 13 when William Afton disappeared? We're aware you might've had a bond with him through your sister." They said.

"Correct. We didn't like each other much at first, but when he was around more often, I began thinking of him as a step-father, if you'd really like to know." I sighed.

"Right. Did William ever, you know. Show signs of violence or, mental illness? If you hadn't known by now, Afton is borderline schizophrenic and paranoid." They casually explained.

No, I hadn't known. This is the first time I'm hearing about this actually. Now that I think of it, there have been times where he was angrily muttering things to himself.

"No, I didn't know. And how do those things make one violent? It seems to me you're just accusing schizophrenics as violent. When you got to know him, William was caring. But if it answers your question, when we first met I thought he was weird. A little odd. I thought he was a twink too." I giggled.

"Caring." One muttered.

"What made him weird? Or odd?" The other one asked.

"Just antisocial. That's all." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay. And I'm assuming you are aware that Mr. Afton has escaped prison, right?" The officer turned to me.

I nodded my head.

He cleared his throat. "Maggie, you're a very beautiful, young girl. Okay? We wouldn't want anything happening to you. If you ever so happen to see him, don't hesitate to call us. It will save you, the people you love and the people around you."

"He killed that person in self defense. You guys take this way out of context." I peered at him.

He pulled a piece of folded paper out of his pocket and handed it to me. "You might change your mind after seeing this. We'd advise you not to show it to your sister. It's from year 3 of jail."

I looked at them strangely as they walked away with their hands in their pockets.

I looked down at the note and unfolded it, holding the wrinkled yellow paper. I read the sloppy handwriting.

everyday they remind me of how badly i need to see willow, i'm starting to forget how she looks. willow..........i miss her.. just to see her.... even if i could just, smear her blood on my face.. hang her guts over my head, kiss her pretty face. i want to hang her head on my ceiling i want to hide her body in my wall. that way she will always be close to me and will never be taken from me again. i love her so much i'll do anything to keep her with me even if i have to eat her lungs to have her within me

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