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tw: force feeding, drugging

William's POV

We split after escaping. If they found him, then they knew where I was. And if they found me, they knew where he was. So we split.

It was dark here. I'd been running for miles. But I'm finally free.

I know exactly where I'm headed. And I know exactly how to get there.

Though I've been running for miles and days with no sleep, I still somehow have heard that they're looking for me in multiple states. Even New York. The Statue of Liberty thing actually worked.

With this amount of running, I better lose 10 pounds.

They force fed me there. I was refusing to eat until they at least put me on trial. But they never did. To them, I was guilty. Never innocent until proven guilty. I hate this country.

At some point when my heart rate was extremely low, they began force opening my mouth and shoving food down it. It was all meat too. They didn't stop, even when I was actually full they would feed me until I puked all over myself.

I guess maybe that's just my karma.

But I was tired of running. I had no sleep, and I had gotten so used to the amount of food they fed me that I've been starving since the first two hours of freedom.

I feel tired. I'm growing weak. I have 6 dollars in my pocket that I swiped from a guard. Once I get back to safety, I'll go back to my old eating habits again. But right now, I need a burger. Anywhere.

But I'm nowhere. I'm in the middle of nowhere right now. I still have lots of more miles to go.

Maybe I'll take a small nap right here, on this bed of leaves. It was cold and raining, but I got used to it. I'm warm now.

Nobody will find me in the next morning, guaranteed. But squirrels will accompany me.

Willow's POV

"Jesus Christ, what happened?" I slammed the door to my car and approached Maggie and Jazmin.

"She told me she was going to get a drink, so I waited for her in the room we were in. She didn't come back for another 15 minutes, so I came out and the first thing I see is some dude carrying her, maybe down a different hallway. Of course I went after him and socked him after he didn't let go. I barely dragged her out of there. She hasn't waken up for 45 minutes." Maggie rubbed her hands on her face.

"You should have told me when we were on the phone, I could have left Michael with Henry or something." I rubbed my eyes.

"He's here?" Maggie took her hands off her face.

"In the backseat." I pointed.

"We needed somewhere to lay Jazmin down." Maggie looked at me.

"We can't, sit her up?" I motioned my hands.

"No, what if we get pulled over?" Maggie pointed at Jazmin.

"We won't, because she'll look like she's just sleeping. Which, she is." I looked at her. "Are we putting her inside or what?"

"Oh man." She sighed and grabbed Jazmins ankles as I grabbed her underarms.

This reminds me of a lot. Of the things I did for him. Of the things I still continue to do because of him. Because I was carrying an unconscious body, and moving it away from sight.

But it's not like she was dead. She was only drugged, and we were taking her back home to safety. Things normal people do.

I can't even remember what it was like before.

Maggie set her legs down as she opened the car door. I held Jazmin as she cleared the junk that was on the seat that I kept there. I haven't cleaned it in months.

"My god, are you serious Willow? When was the last time you cleaned this car?" Maggie pulled out a watch from the car. "Because this is William's watch."

Maybe not a few months.

"Who is William?" Michael jumped in his car seat.

Maggie looked at me slowly. "You haven't told him yet?"

"Can we focus on getting Jazmin in the car?" I sighed. "And I did, just not his name."

Maggie muttered under her breath and grabbed Jazmin by her waist as I helped push her forward. She ended up in only Maggie's hands and she slowly placed her inside the car and onto the seat.

She slammed the door and opened the passenger seat as I walked around the car for the drivers seat.

Man 1's POV

I anxiously sat at the table in front of the phone, waiting for the call. I've been waiting for days. I fell asleep at this table, I only ever got up to eat or shit.

I just want them to tell me something. Anything. Anything about him being back with them.

And then the phone rang. It rang, and rang. But I stared at it. I must have been too afraid that I already knew what they were going to say.

I answered anyway. "Hello?"

"Yes, is this uh, [redacted]?" A sweet sounding lady asked over the phone.

I smiled a little. "Yes. Yes that's me."

"Yeah. We haven't had contact with the prisoner since Monday. We know he's escaped, but we just can't find him. We will continue searching for your guy, but unfortunately, if we do not find him by July 30th, we stop the search. After all, he was deemed innocent yet you only payed us to keep him in here." She was heard typing on the computer.

She wasn't so sweet sounding anymore. As a matter of fact, she was pissing me off now. I couldn't stand listening to her voice.

"Listen to me. I will literally pay you everything I have just for you to bring me his body." I seethed through my teeth.

Her gun chewing stopped and there was a moment of silence. "Sorry?"

"Nothing. Just find him. And then I will talk to him.." I stood from the chair. "Like he's my little hamster and I just stole his wheel."

The lady's gum chewing resumed. "Alright. I'll update you soon. Bye-bye."

The line went dead and I slowly sat back down, placing the phone back onto the landline.

I folded my hands in front of my mouth and bounced my leg up and down.

I'm still doing this for Julia, right? I loved her. I did. I did love her, what am I even talking about?

She wasn't trying to cheat on me with him. She wasn't. She loved me. She loved me too.

But it had never crossed my mind that maybe I was a little jealous of him. How he was so intelligent, and nonchalant, and slick, and so.. good looking.

Maybe it wasn't because of Julia anymore. Maybe it was because of what he did to me. Maybe it was because he was embarrassed. Maybe he's sorry. Maybe I don't have to do this, because maybe he's sorry. Maybe he still thinks about me sometimes.

He gets away with everything. How was he still deemed innocent? I wish I had his luck. I envy him. I can't have him walking around having better things than I do.

Maybe I only loved Julia because it was easier access to him.

No. No I'm doing the right thing. It would have been easier if Margaret and Dylan didn't stupidly die.

Oh I'm going to find him. And I'm going to have a nice long talk with him. I'm going to make him apologize to me. He's going to apologize to me like I apologized for no reason. 

His little pretty girl isn't safe either.

sorry if this was short, mfs weren't lying when they said "don't keep everything bottled up" because i'm about to end my shit fr 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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