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i'm about to ruin everyone's day

tw: murder, blood, attempted kidnapping, strangulation 🤷🏻‍♀️

Man 1's POV

I sat in front of Julia's grave. Though she only passed five years ago, her gravestone was chipping in certain places.

It's 11 PM, and I'm gonna do it today.

"I'm gonna make you proud tonight." I laid next to her stone. "He's gonna feel what we felt. I'll make sure of it. One way or another."

I felt the light wind blow against the side of my face, from the direction of her gravestone. I took it as a sign of approval.

"And then you can finally rest. We, can rest." I sighed.

William's POV

I woke up to the sound of glass shattering and Michael screaming bloody murder.

I raised from the air mattress is serious alarm, looking over Willow's mattress, who was still sound asleep.

There was ongoing sounds of bangs and, loud shrieking. It's actually concerning how Willow is not waking up to this right now, or Maggie hasn't rushed out of her room yet.

I threw the blankets off of myself and struggled to get off the wobbly bed. Before we went to bed, we pulled the curtains over the blinds to have it extra dark, and now I'm regretting that. I can't see anything.

The moment I got off the bed, I swung our door open  and ran into Michael's room, that had his light shining from under the doorway. The sounds of Michael's desperate cries filled his room, and was heard from behind the doorway.

I slammed his door open.

He was right. Blue hair, and very nice teeth. I couldn't see his eyes. From the angle I was standing in, only his sinister smile towards my son was seen. His grimy hands covered Michael's mouth as his tears seeped and sank into the man's skin.

"Don't worry," He cooed. "I'm just a friend of your fathers."

I grabbed him by the back of his collar and pulled him towards me. His hands, which were trembling with excitement, let go of Michael at the jerk of his body.

He groaned with anger, like he knew already what was happening. "Get your dirty hands off of me!"

I spun him around, grabbing him by the hair at the top of his scalp, swinging my fist into his fragile face. He fell into the wall behind him, knocking over Michael's toy collections. He stared up at me, with his bloody teeth, smiling creepily at me.

His face was immediately recognizable. How could I have ever been so wrong? You must always expect the people that are least expected. In this case, it was him.

I stared at him with wide eyes. "Are you serious? Josiah?" He did nothing but pant and smile against the wall.

"Old friend." He licked the blood off his teeth.

I heard Michael continue to cry behind me. His cry became more quiet, as he covered his mouth with a blanket.

On the other hand, you have to be a really deep sleeper to not have heard anything that just happened. It's a shocker Maggie and Willow are still asleep.

He slowly stood up from the floor, leaning against the wall for support. I didn't move. I only watched. There wasn't much for me to say, other than why are you here or why the hell are you trying to take my son, but I'm sure he's about to answer those questions anyway.

"I'm sure you're familiar with.." He wiped his nose with his wrist. "Julia, maybe? And Dylan, oh, don't forget Margaret."

I snapped behind my back and pointed at the door for Michael to see. He stopped crying and understood what I meant, and took off for the door.

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