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tw: force feeding

William's POV

Finally. I finally reached a road. I finally know exactly where I am. 

A little off the road was a diner. I didn't bother to look at the name. I already knew what it was called. 

With a smile on my face and six dollars in my pocket, I quickly walked up to the two yellow painted doors.

"Oh- Hi! Welcome to the Sunset Diner, can we get you seated or would you like to order for takeout?" A lady with a notepad came up to me.

I took the six dollars out of my pocket. "What can I get for six dollars?"

The lady smiled at me. "You seem like a nice guy. The cheapest thing we have is for 8 dollars, but I'll take the six. Don't tell my manager."

I chuckled. "Well what's for the eight?"

"It's just regular waffles and syrup." She checked the menu in her hands before telling me. "Sorry if you were hungry."

I shook my head. "No. Waffles will do."

"Perfect! So, Dine-In or Take-Out?" She asked.

"Sorry. Take-Out." I answered.

"Alright. Come take a seat over here and we'll have it ready for you in a bag." She smiled and motioned for me to follow her.

I followed her to the front where the stools were, and about two other people were sitting. This was in front of the kitchen doors.

I sat down in a stool farthest from the other two, not wanting to make myself as noticeable if anyone recognizes me.

"Just sit here tight, your waffles will be out soon." The waitress pushed the kitchen doors open.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

I just want to go home. I want to lay down in my warm bed, and take a long nap. I want to be able to not worry about running from police. I want to let everyone know I'm okay. That Ive been here this whole time. Man, I don't even know if there is an "everyone" to let know I'm okay. I only have three people, and they could all be gone.

The thought of everyone being gone hurts. The fact that they could have all just packed up and left, moved on and forgot about me. Or worse, they died. 

I only ever wanted to at least tell them I was alright, though I really wasn't.

The first two years I spent every night tearing up and stopping myself before cellmates saw it. The last three years, I spent determined. I knew I was going to get the hell out of there, I just didn't know when. Or how.

And I'm finally out. My only concern being them.

I could still hear her scream, the last thing I heard from her. I never got to say bye. All I want to do is  explain, explain everything and tell her everything that happened.

But she might not want to hear it. She might want nothing to do with me. She might call the police on me and tell them where I am. She might hate me, and be angry with me.

If she doesn't want me back, then being with the police wouldn't matter to me anymore. I would have nowhere else to go, nobody else to be with.

Or maybe he would accept me back. Maybe he would be happy to see me.

The bell on the front doors rang as someone walked inside. I wanted to turn around, and see who it was, like everyone else does, but again. Someone could recognize me.

Stay Quiet || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now